Xbox could be launching a new design for its Elite Controller Series 2, after a leak on YouTube potentially uncovered a ‘White Edition’ of the premium accessory, along with its packaging. A video has surfaced on YouTube via a brand-new account called Nicholas Lugo (thanks, Rebs Gaming), which we would assume is a fake name, and it shows an unboxing of an unannounced Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 ‘White Edition.’Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 ‘White EditionAs with any leak, the video above should be taken with a pinch of salt, but if it is indeed a hoax painted in the same colours as the Xbox Series S, the person behind it has gone to some great lengths to pull it off, as even the packaging has been created. The controller’s design looks to have swapped out the charcoal black faceplate of the current Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 in favour of a white plate that looks to match that of the Xbox Series S, as well as offering white buttons to match the rest of the controller’s aesthetic.Everything else on the controller looks to mirror that of the original Series 2 pad, with the protective case including various toggles, a D-pad, and rear paddles. Jez Cordon of Windows Central said last week that he’d heard that a new Elite controller was planned to launch during the holiday season, but wouldn’t be a Series 3. As for the Xbox Elite Controller Series 3, it was rumoured, and posted by eXtas1s, that Microsoft is reportedly planning to launch a Series 3 controller in 2023, which will be tied to a “major release.” Additionally, a Forza peripheral is apparently planned as well, but we suggest you wait for an official word from Microsoft before getting your hopes up for that. If this Series 2 leak is real, we imagine that it’ll only be the cosmetic part of the controller that will be changed, so expect the same performance as the original controller, warts and all. The Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 has been plagued with durability issues since its release in 2019, which forced Microsoft to extend the controller’s warranty period from 90 days to a full year, and it even invited a lawsuit to be filed against the company. What are your thoughts on this leak? Could it be the real deal or an elaborate hoax? Drop a comment below to let us know!
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