MultiVersus’ developer Player First Games has been keeping its cards close to its chest regarding upcoming characters for its crossover fighter, but an Xbox advertisement might have just confirmed two new characters.A number of Twitter accounts have posted images of a MultiVersus ad on the Xbox dashboard (thanks, (VGC), which features both the DC Universe’s Black Adam and Gremlin’s Stripe. Both characters are yet to be announced by Player First Games, and while the leaked character list back in May correctly pointed out that Lebron James and Rick & Morty would be coming, neither Black Adman nor Stripe was present — the list did mention Gremlin’s Gizmo as an upcoming character, but Stripe seems like a much better choice when you consider just how useless Gizmo is in the movies. Black Adam and Stripe look to be the next MultiVersus charactersImage courtesy of Twitter user InTheShadeVarious Twitter accounts have posted identical MultiVersus images, taken from the Xbox dashboard as sponsored advertisements. A MultiVersus leak account, InTheShade, looks to have the clearest image of the ad so far and was one of the first accounts to post about it alongside ShadyMVS and TreyMobley33.With Black Adam’s impending live-action movie starring Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson set to hit theatres on October 21st, we’d say there is a good chance that these two characters will launch sometime around then if, of course, they are coming. Considering Stripe is the antagonist of Gremlins, which is most definitely a Christmas movie alongside Die Hard, a holiday launch for the chaotic green guy would also be fitting. Looking at the character model for Black Adam, we could be looking at a comic version of the DC character, so we’d be surprised if Johnson will be offering any voice-over, but he could surprise us.As with any leak, this needs to be taken with a pinch of salt until Player First Games announces it officially but considering that it looks to be a genuine ad on Xbox, and the upcoming months line up with both characters’ important dates outside of the game, we’re hopeful that this is the real deal. What do you think, though? Could we be seeing these two awesome characters added to MultiVersus soon? Drop a comment below and let us know!
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