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WoW: TBC Classic – Hunter One Button Macro & How To Use It


May 11, 2021

You’ve probably heard the talk about the Hunter one button macro. Well, it’s real, and we’ve tested it on TBC, and we’re here to share it.

So yeah, this really is a thing, and it works. The macro works by taking your ranged attack speed and firing a Steady Shot in between shots, making sure not to clip an auto-attack. This can be done easily without a macro, however, this macro takes out the human error (unless you forget to hit the button). The macro requires you to change just one set of numbers to make it work, which we’ll explain after the macro.

The Macro

  • #showtooltip Steady Shot
  • /run UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
  • /castsequence reset=2.03 Steady Shot, !Auto Shot
  • /use [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command
  • /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()

That’s the macro, and all you’ll need to change is the third line “/castsequence reset=X.XX” replace that “X.XX” with your ranged attack speed.

A point of contention

Some people have claimed that you need to change the above number constantly. For Heroism, when you get haste etc. Now, in theory, that’s true, and based on old forum posts from 2008/09 it would seem that was the logic then. Testing now seems to be that, if you keep it at your unbuffed attack speed (changing when you get a new weapon) you should be fine.

We’ll keep this post updated if that changes once TBC is live, though for now, all seems well.

NOTE: Ranged attack speed is not weapon speed, see below.

A screenshot from World of Warcraft Classic, showing stats for a Hunter character with a red circle around the speed stat.
Find this number by pressing “C” to open your character sheet.

And that’s it for the macro. To find out where Hunter is on our tier list, be sure to check out our TBC – DPS Tier List for Phase 1 Raiding.

The post WoW: TBC Classic – Hunter One Button Macro & How To Use It appeared first on Esports News Network | ESTNN.

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