• Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

What videogame villain would you like to play?


Jun 27, 2021

Far Cry 6’s season pass DLC will let you play as three of the series’ big bad guys: Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry 3, Pagan Min from Far Cry 4, and the super boring religious man from Far Cry 5. Imagine the playing field was open to every antagonist in the world of PC gaming. Is there some better bad guys out there you’d rather be?

What videogame villain would you like to play?

Here are our answers, plus some from our forum.

Sylvanas Windrunner

(Image credit: Blizzard)

Sarah James: My initial response to this was going to be the questionably villainous Sylvanas Windrunner. But while it would be cool to play for a time as the Horde’s fallen Warchief, demonstrating badass bow skills and transforming into a banshee at will, you do get to play her in Heroes of the Storm. 

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