• Sat. Oct 26th, 2024

What Enemies Are Worth Morphing In Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?


Jun 5, 2024

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has a wide variety of spells, abilities, and other unique ways you can defeat, steal from, or even transform your enemies. Morph materia provides one such unique ability called, you guessed it, Morph. While you can definitely get through Rebirth’s campaign without using this ability, it can come in handy for sourcing crafting items.

Where to get Morph materia

You can develop Morph materia from Chadley as early as Chapter Two. There’s no need to level up Morph materia as once you have it, you’ll have it at its highest level.

Morphing is a tricky ability

Morphing enemies is very similar to catching monsters in Pokémon: You gotta weaken ‘em before you can successfully Morph them into items. You can see what an enemy can be Morphed into by Assessing them.

Read More: 15 Essential Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Side-Quests
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The problem with this in FF7 Rebirth’s case is that you have two independently fighting allies with you at any given time (aside from scripted scenarios that have you play as just one or two characters) who can easily defeat an enemy without your input. Furthermore, Rebirth seems to require enemies to be so low in health that you’re just asking for a party member to land that final blow and totally shatter your chances of Morphing a foe.

There’s a third twist: If you’re too far along in the game, your base damage is going to be so high that you’ll be chewing right through enemies. Hard mode is the exception here, of course. But in Hard mode, you can’t use items like ethers and potions, which are the very items we want to use Morph to get (by way of Morphing enemies into crafting components).

Read More: What’s Worth Stealing In Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?

I’d argue that for these reasons, Morph only remains relevant in the earlier moments of Rebirth. Through sheer power alone, you’ll quickly out-level any need for it (Steal materia is very similar in this regard). That said, time spent Morphing early on can net you some useful crafting materials to use in the late game, so you might find solid utility in it.

Enemies you should consider Morphing

Morph’s best use is for securing crafting items. There are a couple of enemies you can Morph into Celeris, however, which allows you to cast haste without spending MP. These are as follows:

Aggrevrikon: Fiend Intel 5 in the Grasslands
Levridon: Boss in “O Chicken, Where Art Thou

Best enemies to Morph for crafting Ethers

For campaigns on Easy, Normal, and Dynamic difficulties, Ethers are a handy way to avoid needing to go back to a bench to rest and replenish your MP. You can craft Ethers, Hi-Ethers, and Dry Ethers with the following materials:

Ether (Restores 20 MP):

  • 5 Beast Talons
  • 3 Planet’s Favors
  • 20 Sage
  • 3 Ether Onions

Hi-Ether (Restores 50 MP):

  • 5 Planet’s Mercy
  • 5 Ether Onions
  • 5 Cosmotite Ore
  • 10 Oregano

Dry Ether (Restores 100 MP):

  • 3 Planet’s Spirit
  • 1 Astral Remnant
  • 5 Ether Onion
  • 5 Cosmotite ore

The most common crafting component across all of these are Ether Onions. You can Morph the following enemies into Ether Onions:

Amalgam: Shinra Manor Combat Simulator Preliminary Trial: Ruthless Specimens
Bashfulisk: Fiend Intel 5 in Cosmo Canyon
Basilisk: Random encounters in Cosmo Canyon
Cactrot: Fightable during the “Mr. Birdie” side-quest
Cactuar: Fightable during “Feed for Piko” side-quest
Capparwire: Random encounters in Junon
Daemonic Entity: Daemonic Entity
Experimental Varghidpolis: Musclehead Colosseum Two-Person: Exemplary Exterminators
Flan: Random encounters in the lower level of the Mythril Mine
Gargantuar: Fightable during Phenomenon Intel 4 in Corel
Gigantuar: Fightable during Phenomenon Intel 3 in Corel
Gold Cactuar: Fightable during Phenomenon Intel 2 in Corel
Pyrowire: Fiend Intel 4 in Cosmo Canyon
Scrutineye: Shinra Manor Combat Simulator Preliminary Trial: Aerial Specimens
Tonberry: Spawned during the fight with the Tonberry King
White Mousse: Boss in “Hardest Sell” sidequest

Cosmotite Ore is the next most common crafting component for Hi- and Dry Ethers. You can Morph the following foes into this resource:

Adjucator: Shinra Manor Combat Simulator Preliminary Trial: Ruthless Specimens
Bahba Velamyu: Fought during the “Buds Behind Bars” story scenario in Chapter 11
Elder Golem: Fiend Intel 6 in Cosmo Canyon
Floating Death: Fightable during Chapter 13 in the Temple of the Ancients
Hecteyes: Fightable during Chapter 13 in the Temple of the Ancients
Reapertail: Fightable during “Absence of a Sign” side-quest
Rictus: Fightable during the “Escape Plan” story scenario in Chapter 11
Sanguine Scourge: Fightable during Phenomenon Intel 3 in Nibel
Stone Golem: Found near Gliding Range 4 in Cosmo Canyon

You can Morph the following enemies into Astral Remnants:

Brineborn Demon: One of the Pirate King’s Treasure bosses in the Junon region
Heuyacoatl: One of the Pirate King’s Treasure bosses near Costa del Sol
Moss Grown Adamantoise: Fightable during Chapter 13 in the Temple of the Ancients
Ogre Raider: One of the Pirate King’s Treasure bosses in the Gongaga region
Sea Dragon: One of the Pirate King’s Treasure bosses northeast of the Ogre Raider fight

Rarer crafting items available via Morph

Morph materia can also help you snag some other rarer crafting materials as well. Notable ones include:

Exquisite Beast Spines:

Ancient Dragon: Fightable during Chapter 13 in the Temple of the Ancients
Bagnadrana: Encountered in Mt. Corel
Bloatfloat: Encountered in Mt. Corel
Chimera Mimic: Encountered in Gongaga
Citripine Schoolmaster: Fightable during the “Bodybuilders in a Bind” side-quest
Citripinefish: Encountered in Corel in the Costa del Sol half
Crown Lance: Encountered in Corel in the Costa del Sol half
Cthonilizard: Fightable during Chapter 13 in the Temple of the Ancients
Cyclone Drake: Encountered in Corel near Clamshell Beach
Dranabarga: Boss fight in the “Lament of the Damned” side-quest
Duneworm: Encountered in Corel in the Gold Saucer half
Fulvum Varanus: Encountered in Gongaga
Gagighandi: Encountered in Gongaga
Gorgon Mane: Fightable during the “Spice of Life” side-quest
Griffon: Encountered in Cosmo Canyon
Heliopora Terpsicolt: Fiend Intel 2 in Corel
Kelzmelzer: Fightable during Chapter 13 in the Temple of the Ancients
Sandstorm Drake: Fightable during the “When Words Won’t Do” side-quest
Sea Devil: Fightable during the “Trouble in Paradise” side quest
Sea Terpsicolt: Encountered in Corel in the Costa del Sol half
Shankhalopod: Fiend Intel 1 in Corel
Shirdal: Fiend Intel 3 in Cosmo Canyon
Shoalopod: Encountered in Corel in the Costa Del Sol half

Exquisite Beast Hides:

Cavestalker: Fought during Phenomenon Intel 1 in Nibel
Cockatrice: Encountered in the Corel Mines
Daggerwing: Fightable during “The Pursuit of Perfection” side-quest
Irasceros: Boss fight during the “Promises to Keep” side-quest
Landworm: Encountered in Corel in the Gold Saucer half
Maloceros; Fiend Intel 5 in Gongaga
Mastodon: Boss fight during the “Teach Me, Great Warrior” side-quest
Nibel Wolf: Encountered in Nibel
Pyretail: Fiend Intel 1 in Nibel
Saberhawk: Fiend Intel 3 in Corel
Spearhawk: Encountered in Corel in the Costa del Sol half

While Morph isn’t strictly necessary to take on FF7 Rebirth’s toughest challenges, it can offer you a more direct path to finding great crafting materials.

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