From Lucky Pools to Cursed Storms, it’s hard to keep up with what’s what. So, if you want to know What Does The Cursed Storm Do in Fisch stick around! Here, I tell you all about this forecast from where to find it, its benefits, and unique mutation!
Start fishing over on Roblox. For more on this title, I’ve reeled in our Fisch Cults Curse Bestiary Guide and Fisch Lucky Pools Guide.
What Does The Cursed Storm Do in Fisch?
I mentioned Lucky Pools in the intro and for good reason! Cursed Storms, similarly to them, are localized events which happen over a small body of water somewhere on the Fisch map. However, that is where the similarities end.
During a Cursed Storm, players fishing beneath its green fog will gain double EXP per catch, and potentially encounter fish with the Cursed Mutation (5% encounter chance). The mutation makes fish glow a neon turquoise colour, and their value increases by x1. Simple enough.
Finding Cursed Storms
Now you know what one does, how do you find them? Well, they have a chance to occur naturally anytime during the Cults Curse event, which is finalised on March 29th.
When the Cursed Storm begins, the game will notify the server in the chatroom. They typically begin at the start of a new day cycle and remain active for the remainder of that day, however, using a Sundial Totem will despawn the Cursed Storm.
If you have enough credits and patience, you could try and force one to spawn by using several Sundial Totems. Alternatively, within the Cults Curse room, there’s a Cursed Storm Totem for sale costing a massive 1,000,000 C$! The Totem is also available as one of the Cults Curse Quest rewards, as a third-tier prize for all players collectively catching 142,800,000 fish.