For the past few years, I’ve had a couple of ideas for websites knocking around in my head. Nothing too ambitious—just fun little ideas that would give folks a laugh or a moment of interest. I’ve always wanted to build a website that takes off—maybe even earns a little revenue. If things turned out well, I might even make a living at it. Who knows?
But of course, finding the time to build one of these sites is a challenge. It seems like not many of us have the leisure time to work on a side project that may or may not be revenue-generating. As a result, none of my obviously brilliant ideas were turned into an actual thing. Until this weekend.
Hello, Claude Code
Someone—I wish I could remember who, so I could properly thank them—pointed me in the direction of Claude Code. Built by Anthropic, Claude Code is a large language model (LLM) tuned specifically to helping developers and building things in code. You install it in the directory where your project resides, and it runs on the command line. Claude Code can read your entire application structure, understand it, answer questions about it, and most importantly, make changes to it that you ask for in plain language.