11 bit studios has announced that it will be donating all profits made from the sales of This War of Mine over the next seven days to the Ukrainian Red Cross to help victims of war following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “Today Russian military forces invaded the free country of Ukraine — our neighbours,” reads a statement from the developer. “As a Polish studio and creators of the globally recognised anti-war game, This War of Mine — one that directly speaks about the suffering and misery of civilians who are affected by war — we’d like to hereby announce our company statement: we stand against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”The studio continues by saying that these words would ring hollow without a meaningful act behind them and says that for the next seven days, all profits from This War of Mine and its DLC packs on all stores and platforms will be donated to the Ukrainian Red Cross.”Let this message resonate with everything you know about this war and how war kills people, devastates their lives and homes,” said the studio. “Let us — players and developers together — do everything we can to support victims of the war in Ukraine.”This War of Mine: The Little OnesThis War Of Mine: The Little Ones provides an experience of war not from an elite soldier´s point of view, but from the perspective of a group of civilians trying to survive the ordeal. Struggling with a lack of food, limited or no medical supplies and under the threat of constant danger from the world around, players will need to make life-or-death decisions just to make it through another day.GOG.com, which is owned by CD Projekt, announced that it was teaming up with 11 bit studios and will be “donating all profits from our shares of the sale of This War of Mine and its DLCs to Red Cross Ukraine.” CD Projekt has also now donated 1 million PLN to the humanitarian organisation Polska Akcja Humanitarna.The Ukraine-based Stalker 2 developer, GSC Game World, has also released a statement condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and has called on the industry to help those in need.This War of Mine is available on Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC, Android, and iOS.
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