• Sat. Oct 26th, 2024

The Sims is getting rid of a photo bug but players just want the photo bug left alone: ‘Who snitched?!?’


May 30, 2023

Look, the Sims community can be a bit odd. I’ve just been reading a thread about the joys of flirting with married men with single female sims to knock out a particular baby achievement (“they won’t move out of their house so them and their wife are just stuck there hating each other”) , before discovering that one of the current dramas is over an undoubted bug that Sims players would prefer is left untouched. Don’t fix that problem, EA!

The bug in question is one whereby taking a photo of two Sims together using a particular tripod causes dramatic gains in relationship / reputation between the two characters. Those two metrics usually take a long time to build up through conversations etcetera, and so this bug is a bit of a shortcut for players to gain a large friendship group quickly: “Within 10-15 photos their relationship with any Sim they just met will be completely maxed-out” runs one bug report. Is it against the spirit of things? Who cares about that! It gives the lovely XP, so people like it just fine thanks.

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