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The best Genshin Impact Albedo build


Jun 19, 2021

Looking for the best Genshin Impact Albedo build? Albedo is a handsome young scholar and ‘alchemical genius’ who uses his expertise as Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team to create beautiful yet devastating Geo flowers that explode with area-of-effect damage.

He can be built as a DPS if you so choose, but even though he’s a one-handed sword user, we believe his strengths lie in the sub-DPS role, as his Elemental Burst and Elemental Skill abilities provide huge area-of-effect damage that scales from his defense stat. In order to maximise Albedo’s damage, his Elemental Skill, Solar Isotoma, should be cast in each fight, as it deals AoE Geo damage to foes in the area through its Transient Blossoms. If there’s a Solar Isotoma on the field when Albedo casts his Elemental Burst, it will generate seven Fatal Blossoms, which each explode and deal a ton of damage.

Gathering foes into a small area will maximise the burst damage from Fatal Blossom, as each enemy will be tracked by one blossom, leading to massive damage if they’re clustered together. For this reason, Venti or Sucrose are ideal teammates for Albedo, as they can group foes together with their ults. Albedo also synergises well with Klee – and since they’re essentially siblings, running them on the same team is extra adorable. Here’s our Genshin Impact Klee build and Genshin Impact Venti build in case you’ve got either of these characters – but rest assured, Albedo is a valuable asset to any team. Here’s what you need for the best Genshin Impact Albedo build.

Genshin Impact Albedo sub DPS build

Harbinger of Dawn is a fantastic weapon for Albedo due to its high crit damage and crit rate, but you’ll need to stay above 90% HP for it to be effective, so ensure Albedo stays away from the action as much as possible. Alternatively, if you managed to grab it during the Chalk Prince and the Dragon event, Festering Desire is another good choice, as it provides Energy Recharge and Elemental Skill damage.

When it comes to Genshin Impact artifacts, we recommend the full Archaic Petra four-piece set. Because Albedo is a Geo character, his Genshin Impact elemental reactions generate the Crystallise effect, which basically means that when his Geo attack meets another element, it creates an Elemental Shard of that first element, giving you a shield against that element when you pick it up. Archaic Petra’s four-piece effect means these Elemental Shards also grant a 35% Elemental Damage bonus to that corresponding element. So, your carry uses their elemental attack on the enemy, you switch to Albedo and use his Geo attack to generate a crystal for that element, pick it up as Albedo, and then switch back to your carry, who proceeds to shred everything in sight with their sweet new bonus. Thanks, Albedo.

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Genshin Impact Albedo abilities

Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework – Weiss

  • Normal attack: Perform up to five rapid strikes.
  • Charge attack: Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash two rapid sword strikes.
  • Plunging Attack: Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing area-of-effect damage upon impact.

Elemental Skill: Abiogenesis: Solar Isotoma

Albedo summons a Solar Isotoma, which is a Geo construct that deals AoE Geo damage on appearance. Whenever enemies within the Solar Isotoma zone take damage, the Solar Isotoma generates Transient Blossoms (at a maximum rate of once every two seconds). These blossoms also deal AoE Geo damage that scales off Albedo’s defence.

When a character stands in the middle of the Solar Isotoma, it will form a crystallised platform that lifts them up to a certain height.

Elemental Burst: Rite of Progeniture: Tectonic Tide

Albedo sends forth a surge of Geo crystals, which deal AoE Geo damage in front of him. If a Solar Isotoma created by Albedo is on the field, seven Fatal Blossoms will be generated in the Solar Isotoma field, which each burst and deal AoE Geo damage. Damage from Tectonic Tide and Fatal Blossoms won’t trigger Transient Blossoms.

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Albedo constellations

  • Flower of Eden: Transient Blossoms generated by Solar Isotoma regenerate 1.2 energy for Albedo.
  • Opening of Phanerozoic: Transient Blossoms generated by Solar Isotoma grant Albedo Fatal Reckoning for 30 seconds. Unleashing Tectonic Tide consumes all stacks of Fatal Reckoning. Each stack of Fatal Reckoning consumed increases damage dealt by Fatal Blossoms and Tectonic Tide’s burst damage by 30% of Albedo’s defence.
  • Grace of Helios: Increases the level of Solar Isotoma by three. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
  • Descent of Divinity: Solar Isotoma increases Plunging Attack damage by 30% for active party members within the AoE.
  • Tide of Hadaen: Increases the level of Tectonic Tide by three. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
  • Dust of Purification: If active party members within the AoE are protected by a shield created by Crystallise, Solar Isotoma increases their damage by 17%.

Albedo passive talents

  • Calcite Might: Transient Blossoms generated by Solar Isotoma deal 25% more damage to opponents whose health is below 50%.
  • Homuncular Nature: Using Tectonic Tide increases the Elemental Mastery of nearby party members by 125 for ten seconds.
  • Flash of Genius (Albedo): When Albedo crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, he has a 10% chance to receive double the product.

That’s everything you need for the best Genshin Impact Albedo build – if you’re looking to upgrade your party further, check out our Genshin Impact weapons guide – or if you could use a few more levels, we’ve got a guide on how to increase your Genshin Impact Adventure Rank fast. If you fancy some free primogems, you can find them in our Genshin Impact codes guide, or check out our Genshin Impact outfits guide to find out what’s available in-game.

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