• Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

The 5 Most Popular xQc Clips On Twitch Of All Time!


Sep 2, 2023

Are you a fan of the popular streamer, xQc? Then, keep on reading to take a look at the 5 most popular xQc clips on Twitch of all time

Felix Lengyel, better known by his nicknames on the internet, “xQc” and “xQcOW” is a Canadian streamer, Youtuber and social media content creator. As of 2023, xQc is the fifth most followed (11.9M followers) streamer on Twitch’s platform. xQc is also considered to be one of the most hilarious streamers ever. This is because he has a tendency to speak really fast, so fast that his speech becomes unintelligible. He also has a very sarcastic personality, so he is prone to making very hilarious jokes. For this reason, many moments from his live streams have been recorded over the years that people go back to watch. Hence, here are the 5 most popular xQc clips on Twitch of all time.

xQc makes the wrong choice while playing Cyberpunk 2077

xQc makes the wrong choice while playing Cyberpunk 2077

Credit: xQc on Twitch

One of the most beloved games of 2020 and 2021 was none other than the famous action roleplaying game (ARPG), Cyberpunk 2077. The game was released officially on December 10, 2020 and was all the rage through 2021. Naturally, this meant that all of the streamers were playing the game and so did xQc. xQc started streaming the game live on his Twitch channel on the very day that the game was released. Unlike other streamers who just played the game without any added entertainment, xQc being himself made the gameplay so much more entertaining. The viewers loved how he interacted with the game and turned it into a comedy gameplay fit for his personal brand as a hilarious streamer.

Of course, this meant that lots of moments from the stream were captured by his viewers to go back and watch later. One such clip from the Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay stream was way too hilarious and his viewers loved it. Hence, it became one of the most popular xQc clips of all time with 837K views as of 2023 on his channel. In the clip, xQc was interacting with a non-playable character (NPC) in the game and accidentally chose the wrong option. Upon choosing the wrong option, xQc realized that he messed up really badly. This was because the cut scene that followed the chosen option was very inappropriate and his reaction to it just made it even more funnier.

xQc gets banned on GTAV RP server, “NoPixel” on live stream

xQc gets banned on GTAV RP server, “NoPixel” on live stream

Credit: xQc on Twitch

Back in the days of 2021, his Grand Theft Auto V (GTAV) gameplays were fan favorites because of his involvement in the famous roleplay server, “NoPixel.” During his time on the server, he got banned five times in total. This was hilarious and entertaining for his streamers because how could someone possibly get banned from a server so many times, right? Every time he got banned was because of silly and goofy reasons like breaking in-game rules. He even got banned for knocking down and running over fellow roleplaying characters with his vehicles including roleplaying cop characters, which his viewers found quite hilarious. All of his bans were temporary suspensions and were lifted eventually within a short period of time.

Yet, finally, his last and permanent ban was given on April 5, 2021. The best part about this permanent ban was that it happened while xQc was live-streaming! This became one of the most popular xQc clips of all time with 690K views because it indeed happened in the most hilarious way possible. xQc was watching fellow roleplayer Kyle’s stream while waiting in the queue of the NoPixel server when he decided to look at his game’s check-in queue but was instantly hit with a surprise like no other. Upon looking at the game’s queue, xQc was met with the perma-ban notification. His simple reaction was an exasperated sigh and shrug while his fans were on the floor laughing hysterically.

xQc laughing hysterically at the iPhone 14 promotional commercial

xQc laughing hysterically at the iPhone 14 promotional commercial

Credit: xQc on Twitch

We all know that the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro were one of the most anticipated phone product releases by Apple thus far. The amount of hype and suspense that all Apple users had to face building up to the release was unreal. Hence, when the time came to finally introduce the smartphones officially, you bet Apple did a huge event. It is natural that reaction and commentary streamers watch and react to such special events, so xQc did a stream reacting to the whole Apple Event. The Apple event was held on September 7, 2022, where Apple introduced a fair few product releases. Of course, those product releases included the most anticipated iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro.

Now, when the famous reaction streamer was reacting to this Apple event, he ended up creating one of the most popular xQc clips on Twitch of all time with 663K views. This was because when the time came for Apple to officially introduce the iPhones, they cut to an infomercial. xQc was reacting to this official introduction and when the event began the infomercial, the chosen song was very goofy and silly. In one of the lyrics of the song, one of the words sounded suspiciously like “balls.” This made xQc crack up very badly and he began laughing hysterically at the iPhone infomercial. xQc was not the only one cracking up though, his viewers were also laughing in chat.

xQc arrives late to his own gameshow, “Juiced” and pushes Ludwig away

xQc arrives late to his own gameshow, “Juiced” and pushes Ludwig away

Credit: xQc on Twitch

It is normal for Twitch streamers or streamers, in general, to want to host gameshows or just do collaborative content with fellow streamers. Hence, when xQc and Ludwig decided to collaborate on a gameshow, their fans were thrilled. Creating and hosting a gameshow takes a huge amount of capital and work by a production company to get it running. For this reason, their fans were teased for months on end. Finally, 6 months later a premiere date for the gameshow was revealed. Things seemed to be going smoothly up until the day of the show’s premiere or episode 1 to be exact. The name chosen for the gameshow was “Juiced” and it was a series of 5 episodes in total.

In the gameshow, players had to choose their athleticism and wit to go through a series of challenges to win the coveted. The losers got “juiced” where a bucket of juice was thrown over their head. On the premiere or first episode of the series streaming on Twitch, xQc was late to the gameshow because he could not catch a flight on time. Hence, Ludwig came up on stage to tell the viewers to give them a second chance by waiting a little longer. To their surprise, xQc showed up mid-sentence and pushed Ludwig jokingly off the stage, startling him in the process. This became one of the most popular xQc clips on Twitch of all time with 511K views.

xQc throws a perfect Molotov at his own teammate Jesse while playing CSGO

xQc throws a perfect Molotov at his own teammate Jesse while playing CSGO

Credit: xQc on Twitch

There are a lot of first-person survival shooter games out there, but not all of them are popular and played by millions of gamers online. One such game that is still popular to this day is Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Naturally, this means that most Twitch streamers play the game on stream. xQc is no stranger to this as he is also a gamer, hence we have seen a lot of CSGO gameplays from him. While xQc was one of the most popular e-sports players for Overwatch, he has lost his skills over the years. Hence, during one such instance where he was playing CSGO on stream, he ended up creating one of the most popular xQc clips of all time.

When xQc was playing CSGO on stream with fellow streamer, Jesse, they were in the midst of a camping situation. Hence, to ambush their enemies, xQc suggested that he throw a Molotov at them through a window into the house the enemies were hiding in, to which Jesse agreed. Jesse was hiding behind a trailer when xQc threw the Molotov but unfortunately missed it. Not only did he miss the Molotov but he threw it in a way that made it boomerang and hit Jesse. Jesse thought it was the enemy and asked xQc where his Molotov hit, to which he replied that he hadn’t thrown it yet. xQc then threw a flashbang deliberately at Jesse to further troll him.


Needless to say, xQc truly is one of the most hilarious streamers on Twitch’s platform at present. He knows how to create entertaining content that his viewers love watching. His charming, sarcastic and hilarious personality draws viewers in because they just can’t get enough of his content. Hence, make sure to watch all 5 of the most popular xQc clips on Twitch of all time!

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