Tribute Games has flying-kicked a full list of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder’s Revenge update 1.03 patch notes for you to digest, which comes packing a range of bug fixes under its shell. Read up on the latest TMNT Shredder’s Revenge patch notes below.Related Content – Sony PS5 Complete Guide – Everything Explained On PlayStation 5 For New Users BUG FIXESGAMEPLAYFixed enemies sometimes frozen after a Fling Slam.Fixed Rat King sometimes frozen after being defeated.Fixed Krang’s torso sometimes leaving the screen. You can sing it: “Krang-no-loooon-ger leeeeea-ving theeeeee-screen!”Fixed Dirtbag sometimes stuck in its Blinding Flash attack.Fixed some player attacks granting immunity to falling down holes, performed over a hold, resulted in a near-instantaneous KO for the player.Fixed the Dive Kick attack sometimes getting the player stuck when landing on edges.ONLINEFixed clients sometimes stuck in a cutscene.Fixed many connection issues at the beginning of stages that could result in desyncs and missing players.Fixed a few crashes caused by packet loss or lag, resulting in incomplete attack, player or camera data. Bodacious!Fixed clients ignoring enemy grab cancellation (when a player grabs for too long or an enemy is too healthy to grab).Fixed clients interrupting a Grab with a Super Attack, leaving enemies stuck in their Grab reaction.Fixed client-side Chrome Dome sometimes not getting up when it should.Fixed Groundchuck often not facing the right direction on clients (or sometimes not animating at all) when charging.Fixed some replication issues in the Shredder fight.Fixed Super Shredder and Rat King sometimes freezing on clients when the host leaves the game.Fixed client-side rat spawning in the Rat King fight often not occurring when it should.Fixed client-side Buzzer having a hard time doing U-turns.Fixed client-side Motorcycle Foot Soldiers sometimes frozen on screen before attacking.Fixed client-side Splinter’s Super Flying Attack not increasing your Hit Counter and Score. He is a radical rat!Fixed online lag during boss fights sometimes breaking the boss’ behavior resulting in the fight getting impossible to finish (boss disappearing, for example).Fixed online game search no longer working after a failed search.Fixed connection issues occurring after the end game cutscene.Fixed host able to block the game by opening the Party Up menu while in a stage end cutscene.INPUTFixed saving customized controls only partially.Fixed using a keyboard with a layout other than QWERTY when customizing controls.MENUSFixed saving the VSync value in the Options.Fixed a way to get the Pause menu stuck on the screen during gameplay.ACHIEVEMENTSFixed resetting the progression of stat-based achievements like “Complete Cast!” when starting a New Game.Achievement unlock is now saved immediately. Achievement progression is now saved when leaving a stage.AUDIOFixed audio volume issues on stereo setups.CREDITSAdded some awesome people that worked on the game. Tubular!Fixed Edwin’s name. Cowabunga, dude!PCFixed a crash when no audio hardware is found.Fixed sound playback when the game window is not in focus.STEAMFixed handling some access issues to the MyDocuments folder on Windows and falling back toAppData (Roaming) folder if necessary. IMPROVEMENTSGAMEPLAYImproved performance by preloading all possible enemies to be used in a stage.Dizzy players are no longer invincible. Bummer, dude!In Story mode, doing Continue no longer loads up How To Play.ONLINEImproved detecting all connected players as Ready, which would prevent entering a stage.Improved transitions between the different parts of stage 6 (Crystal Palace Mall).Improved bosses snapping to (sometimes bad) positions after client-side hits.Remote players now visually do their Double Jump and additional Somersault attacks. Wicked!MENUSAdded platform icons when listing online games and friends.STEAMImproved connecting to other Parties. Excellent! NEW FEATURESONLINEAdded a message popup if kicked from a party. Sorry!Added netcode check popup on version mismatch. Friends don’t let friends play un-patched.STEAMAdded support for input glyphs specific to the Steam Deck.Now showing the Steam Input binding menu when customizing controls.
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