• Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

Starfield Casino Location: Where to Find it


Sep 12, 2023

There are many planets and cities to explore in Starfield, such as Neon, the base of operations for the Ryujin Industries faction. However, there is no shortage of secondary activities and places to discover, such as the Starfield casino, precisely called Almagest. If you are curious about how to get there, in this location of the Starfield casino, we will explain in detail everything you need to know about this place and how to get there.

How to get to the Starfield casino

First of all, let’s start by saying that the Starfield casino is located in the Olympus system, therefore in the south-eastern part of Sol and Alpha Centauri. As soon as you arrive inside the Olympus system, what you will have to do is look for the planet Nesoi and look at what rotates in its orbit. For ease and completeness, we tell you right away that Nesoi visually resembles Earth a lot, as it is a planet made up of rocks and with an atmosphere in which humans can breathe without any problem.

You might think that this planet is familiar and, in fact, it is: if you chose the Dream Home trait during the creation of your character, Nesoi is the planet on which your luxury home is located which you can go and visit whenever you want, and which you can design and decorate as you see fit. At this address, you can find an article dedicated to the Starfield Dream Home location.

Starfield’s Almagest casino is therefore located in Nesoi orbit and is very similar to the other space stations you have dealt with throughout the game, so it is not difficult to locate. To be able to reach the casino, all you have to do is, therefore, go to Nesoi orbit and dock with the casino (if you don’t know how to dock in Starfield, we have developed a guide in which we explain how to do it). That’s it for everything you need to know about the Starfield casino location.

starfield casino location

What can you do in the Starfield casino?

It is a casino, so the first thing you would think that you can do as your main activity is to gamble, but, unfortunately, this is not the case. In Starfield, in fact, it is not possible to gamble, but the reason blends with the story of the game. Without giving away too many spoilers, the casino has fallen into the hands of the Spacers, one of the factions present in Starfield, so the casino is not there to perform its normal functions. Consequently, if you go to the Almagest casino, you will have to eliminate all hostile enemies present if you want to explore it with peace and tranquility.

But if you can’t gamble in the casino, what can you do? It is certainly a legitimate question and, therefore, in this article, we will give you an answer. Although casinos are known for their gambling function, Starfield casino also offers other activities. For example, you can go around the location and steal some credits, which could certainly come in handy, or, you can also take the treasures hidden in the Almagest jackpot. In fact, if you go to the back of the casino, you will find a computer which, if hacked and once you have entered the exact combination, will give you the opportunity to collect some very interesting rewards.

The Starfield casino may not be a conventional casino and the fact of not being able to do the classic activities that can be done in any casino could make you turn up your nose. In any case, however, our advice is to visit it anyway and try to collect the prizes and credits that are hidden inside, in order to make your trip justified. If you think about it, you won’t have the thrill and adrenaline to gamble, but you will still have the chance to collect your prizes.

starfield casino location

Starfield casino code combination

Before concluding this guide, we want to leave you with a little gem that might be useful to you. Previously, we said that in Starfield casino there is a jackpot that can be claimed, but it requires a code. In this paragraph, therefore, we provide you with the code to insert into the computer. Finding the combination isn’t that simple, so if you want to save some time and get straight to your goal, all you have to do is keep reading. NOTE: if, however, you don’t want to know the code this way, but want to find out for yourself, don’t continue reading this part of the article.

The code to enter into the computer to unlock the jackpot is 12, 19, 36, 5. But how do you get these numbers? First of all, you will have to go to the second floor of the casino, taking the direction that starts right from where the vault is located. Now, what you will have to do is go to a small office, not difficult to find as it is visible from your position. At this point, once you enter the office, interact with the computer inside and click on the “Jackpot Combination” email. As you can imagine, inside you will find the numbers to insert into the computer in the vault.

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