• Thu. Jan 2nd, 2025

SGDQ 2021 raises $2.9 million for Doctors Without Borders


Jul 13, 2021

It’s been another successful year for Summer Games Done Quick, even after the shift to an online-only format in the wake of COVID-19. The week-long speedrunning festival, which featured everything from RPG games like Dragon Age: Inquisition to classic platformers, brought in over $2.9 million in viewer donations.

Those donations will go to Médecins Sans Frontières – also known as Doctors Without Borders – which is an international humanitarian aid organisation that sends medical workers to areas of the world hit by wars and endemic diseases. The total amount collected in donations was $2,909,644.35 USD (which works out to £2,095,802.28).

That total was collected across some 40,353 individual donations, with the median donation being $25. The average donation was quite a bit higher, $72.10, thanks to a few notably high contributions. The largest single donation this year was a whopping $250,615.22, and stream host Twitch kicked in $40,000. While the total this year wasn’t quite as high as the event has seen in years past, a post to the official GDQ Twitter account points out that it is a record for the exclusively online format.

The full breakdown is available on the GDQ website.

You won’t have long to wait for the next event on GDQ’s schedule. Flame Fatales, its women’s speedrunning event, runs August 15-21. The next Awesome Games Done Quick is slated for January 9-16 2022.

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