After being delayed from its initial April launch, the Humankind release date is now less than a week away. The 4X historical strategy game has been one of the most highly anticipated games of 2021, and now, thanks to Fanatical’s summer sale, you can pre-order it with a 30% saving.
If you grab the game before its release on August 17, you get a bunch of bonus content to kickstart your character creation, including a Boudicca avatar set, and exclusive symbols and decorations for your in-game profile. This digital deluxe edition also comes with the Notre Dame DLC pack, in case your first thought is, “It’s great, but it needs more Victor Hugo”.
But if 4X games aren’t your thing, then there are a ton of other huge titles in the sale to browse (around two-and-a-half-thousand more, in fact). To save you some time, we’ve gone and scoured the digital shelves and picked out some of the 2021 Fanatical summer sale’s best offers.
From always-replayable classics like Skyrim and GTA V, to brand-new releases such as Biomutant and The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, the sale has bargains on goodies to please every player.
Check out our pick of the best deals below, or head over to the Fanatical store to see the full offering.
Humankind Humankind $59.99 $41.99 Buy now
Total War: Warhammer III Total War: Warhammer III $59.99 $47.99 Buy now
Civilization VI Platinum Edition Civilization VI Platinum Edition $119.19 $46.48 Buy now
Biomutant Biomutant $59.99 $53.99 Buy now
Resident Evil Village Resident Evil Village $59.99 $49.73 Buy now
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles $39.99 $33.99 Buy now Network N earns affiliate commission from qualifying sales.
If you’re on the lookout for something for the ultimate low price, you can also check out our rundowns of the best free PC games and free MMOs and MMORPGs at those links.
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