Realme launched the Realme 9i in January with the Snapdragon 680 SoC, and seven months later, the company is all set to unveil its 5G variant. The Realme 9i 5G will be introduced on August 18 at an event in India which will begin at 11:30AM local time.
Realme is promoting the 9i 5G as “The 5G Rockstar” and shared a poster revealing its design and specs. The smartphone will be powered by the Dimensity 810 chip and have triple cameras on the back panel flaunting Laser Light Design.
The groove of an all-time head shaker is here! Get ready for #The5GRockstar, coming soon to rock your world🎸Rate your excitement level on a scale of OMG to OMGGGGG in the comments below.— realme (@realmeIndia) August 5, 2022
However, unlike its 4G counterpart, the Realme 9i 5G’s rear cameras aren’t placed inside a camera island, and due to the flat design, these appear to be protruding more. The image also confirms the presence of a power button on the 9i 5G’s right-side frame, which will double up as a fingerprint scanner.
Realme’s Madhav Sheth recently told us that the company will launch a 5G smartphone in India in the INR10,000 ($126/€123) to INR15,000 ($190/€185) category, and it’s unclear if he was referring to the Realme 9i 5G or another phone. For reference, the 9i 4G currently starts at INR13,499 ($170/€165) and goes up to INR15,999 ($202/€197).
You can expect to hear more about the Realme 9i 5G in the days leading to the launch event.
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