• Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Put on your bunny ears and go to bullet hell in indie metroidvania Tevi


Dec 4, 2023

A recent indie release out of Japan is getting positive buzz. Tevi, a combination bullet hell-metroidvania-RPG, stands out among the genre with not just interesting and novel gameplay mechanics but an emphasis on a longer story and the kind of flashy character design you expect from a Japanese release.

The game’s primary conceit is that Tevi’s gear is all about melee, while her supporting cast dishes out ranged magical attacks and buffs from alongside her. The boss fights are big, bombastic, and wild, requiring deep understanding of the enemies’ attack patterns and a quick finger on the dodge keys to avoid waves of lasers and glowing projectiles. To counter this you need to keep up the pressure, forcing them into a vulnerable broken state via consistent attacks.

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