Abandon Ship has been kicking around on Steam for a couple of years now, but the time is quickly approaching when Android players are going to be able to get a taste of the piratical life. Because pre-registration for the game has gone live on the Play Store.
The game sees you captaining a big old sea ship (we think that’s the correct term), sailing through hazardous waters, attacking other ships and trying to survive the squishy attentions of giant aquatic beasts.
There’s a decent level of challenge here, with strategic combat, perma-death and all manner of things that are trying to kill you. You even have to deal with the weather. Here’s a trailer.
There’s a Lovecraftian cult to overthrow, cannibals to avoid, poisonous gas to not breathe and loads more. You’ve got multiple storylines, you can be stranded in the sea and your choices will change the world around you.
Basically, there’s loads to get excited about if you fancy being a salty sea dog. You can click here to pre-register for Abandon Ship right this second. We’ll let you know when we hear a release date.