• Sun. Jan 19th, 2025

People who argue about the definition of roguelikes are annoying, but what if they’re right?


Jun 7, 2021

The top upvoted post in the history of r/roguelikes is—what else?—a taxonomy. “MECHANICS PURIST, MECHANICS NEUTRAL, MECHANICS RADICAL,” reads the vertical categories of a six-boxed matrix. “AESTHETICS PURIST, AESTHETICS NEUTRAL, AESTHETICS RADICAL,” occupy the hash marks. 

Somewhere on this grid, within the grist of semantics and glossology, you can identify your own personal definition of the roguelike doctrine. An aesthetics purist and a mechanics radical? Then you probably think the ASCII city-building epic Dwarf Fortress is a roguelike. An uncompromising arch-conservative? Then you’re sticking with Nethack and Ancient Domains of Mystery. A pallid centrist? Fine, The Binding of Isaac is a roguelike.

(Image credit: TempestCrowTengu)

What do these distinctions mean? Well, in the most traditional sense, a “roguelike” is a turn-based dungeon crawler with permadeath, a wide degree of interaction, and an unyieldingly prehistoric art style. The further you deviate from that form—toward a card game like Slay The Spire or a platformer like Spelunky—the more you’ll aggrieve a core group of roguelike reactionaries. Genre wars are as old as pop culture itself. Pick any fractious fraternity—electronic dance music, left politics, film noir—and you will find long, nocturnal forum threads adjudicating the composite factors that add up into, say, a true acid house track.

But for my money, there is no community more insoluble than that of roguelike grognards. First-person shooter fans might argue in favor of the precision of Counter-Strike or the bedlam of Call of Duty, strategy gamers might choose sides between 4X grand campaigns and tight corridor tactics modules, but those divisions tend to be glib and light-hearted in nature. Civ vs X-Com could never approach the ontological friction of Roguelike Nation.

(Image credit: Assemble Entertainment)

In 2008, at the International Roguelike Development Conference, a group of enthusiasts established a written creed called “The Berlin Interpretation” that aimed to legitimize the tenets of an authentic roguelike once and for all. Naturally, peace didn’t prevail, and obstinate arguments have raged ever since. 

The Berlin Interpretation

High-value factors: random environment generation, permadeath, resource management (such as food and potions), exploration and discovery; gameplay that’s turn-based, grid-based, hack’n’slash, and non-modal, meaning actions available in combat should be available during any other state (exceptions are made for the overworld in ADOM and ]shops in Crawl). 

Low-value factors: ASCII display, dungeons, a single player-character, tactical challenge, rules applying to monsters in the same way as the player, and visible numeric values for player-character stats. 

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