It was only days ago that we heard about what looks to be the world’s first ever double Kickstarter with Wild Arms and Shadow Hearts creators teaming up to help get development of spiritual successors to their classic JRPGs off the ground.Now, we have our first look at one of the games, Penny Blood, with a gameplay trailer being debuted as the Kickstarter launches today.At the time of writing, the campaign currently has 3,163 backers and has raised more than half of its $750,000 goal, with over a month to go in the campaign.You can check out the trailer for Penny Blood, right here.If you’re more excited for the successor to Wild Arms, Armed Fantasia: To The End Of The Wilderness then you can check out this trailer, which shows off a very brief snippet of gameplay.The success of this campaign could potentially herald in a new trend on the platform, of creators coming together to help each other make their next game a reality, especially if they’re unable to find a suitable home for it with a publisher.Source – [Twitter]
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