• Thu. Dec 12th, 2024

New update for Black Ops 6 and Warzone just made your aim so much better


Dec 11, 2024

Sometimes, if you’re lucky, your favorite weapon in a Call of Duty game can become much easier to use in an instant if it gets a sneaky accuracy buff in a big balancing update. Well, everyone’s lucky today, because all of Black Ops 6’s weapons just received improvements to their handling and accuracy – and the changes will also apply to those using BO6 guns in Call of Duty Warzone, too.

In a new set of patch notes for Black Ops 6, Treyarch reveals that it has “taken a comprehensive pass on weapon motion and applied reductions across the board to improve the combat experience.” While the reductions vary from weapon to weapon, Treyarch says that they range from 30% to 75% – so even if the mainstay gun in your best Black Ops 6 loadout is more towards the lower end of this range, you’re still going to see a noticeable difference in its performance. You’ll benefit from “far more stability while turning, moving, changing stances, and firing, especially while ADS,” according to the FPS game’s developer.

In addition to the weapon motion improvements, there’s also been an arsenal-wide buff to aiming idle sway. Sniper rifles now experience no aiming idle sway at all, while the timer for aiming idle sway to kick in on all other weapons is now set at 2.2 seconds.

So, no matter what gun you love to use, it’s going to be way more accurate and easy to use the next time you log into the game. However, the good news doesn’t end there. With greater accuracy comes greater ability to hit headshots, and Treyarch has also upped the headshot damage multiplier values of pretty much every gun. “In most cases, weapons will require one fewer headshot at all ranges to improve time to kill,” it says.

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Aside from a few bug fixes to the new Citadelle des Morts Zombies map, spawn logic adjustments to newly-added map Hacienda, and tweaks to score limits in Face Off and 10v10 modes, this update pretty much focuses on making your guns more potent and easier to use. You can read the full patch notes, which include specifics on each affected weapon, here.

For me, personally, as a decidedly average FPS player, I felt like the game was in a fairly good place when it came to weapon accuracy – not too easy and recoilless, but not too realistic and bouncy either. So I’m a touch surprised to see changes of this magnitude come in. One thing’s for sure, both the Black Ops 6 meta and the Warzone meta are about to get a shake-up.

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