• Mon. Sep 30th, 2024

Nefarious Overwatch glitch lets Mercy tank everyone’s framerate to single digits, then bring her own back up to start blasting the sluggish victims


Jun 6, 2023

An Overwatch 2 player has discovered a new glitch with Mercy that allows players to hold an entire lobby hostage and, in theory, game competitive matches as well as annoying the hell out of everyone. YouTuber nsbunited describes themselves as an “Overwatch glitch hunter”, and the Mercy bug was discovered while experimenting with a known element of the Blizzard’s FPS: During the earlygame countdown, Overwatch will teleport players who escape the starting area back into the starting area.

This particular feature is called the “spawn escape mechanic” and has been used in the past to uncover other glitches, most notably the Genji’s pet dragon glitch (which also had the ability to lower other players’ frame rates). And as nsbunited puts it, “Mercy can hold Paraiso lobbies hostage with a broken FPS dropping glitch now”.

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