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Museum Stamp Rally – Animal Crossing: New Horizons Wiki Guide


May 24, 2021

Looking for a particular topic on the Stamp Rally? Click the links below to jump to…
When Does the Stamp Rally Start and How Can You ParticipateInternational Museum Day is a limited-time event, where your island’s Museum will hold a Stamp Rally that runs from May 18th to May 31st. After receiving the news of the event from Isabelle during the morning announcement, make your way over to the Museum and speak with Blathers.
Please note, the event will only officially be started once you have spoken with Blathers. Should you attempt to take part in the event without speaking with Blathers first, you will be unable to collect any stamps from the stations scattered throughout the Museum.
How to Find and Get StampsFor the stamp rally, Blathers tasks you with finding three stamp spot stations in the bug gallery, the fish gallery, the fossil gallery, and the art gallery. You must talk to him in order to kick off the stamp rally. Once you find each gallery’s three stamp stations, you can return to Blathers for a reward.

Every stamp spot has a name. You’ll see them on the cards once you find your first stamp in an area. Interact with the stamp spot, then when the card shows up, press “A” to collect your stamp. Pressing “B” will close the card and you won’t get your stamp.advertisementThe Stamp Rally changes daily. However, the prizes do not change. So while you can complete the stamp rally every day, you’ll just get duplicate rewards.All International Museum Day Stamp Station LocationsAs mentioned above, the location of each stamp station will randomly change each day, meaning there is no guarantee as to where you will find each of the three stamp stations that are required for completing the Bug, Fish, Fossil, and Art stamp cards.
With up to 11 potential stamp station locations across each of the four galleries, we have tried to make finding these stations as easy as possible by listing every potential location below.
Looking for a specific stamp station? Be sure to click the links below to jump to each relevant museum wing…The stamp spots are placed at random daily and you can collect them in any order. We’ll keep updating this page with all stamp spots for each wing of the museum.Bug Stamp Spot: Sun-Peek PathThis spot is in the first room. If you take an immediate right upon entering the room from the main entrance then take another left at the first path, you’ll find it! It’s in front of the Citrus Long-horned Beetle display.
Upon interacting with stamp spot you’ll get this message:
“There’s something very relaxing about this space.”
Bug Stamp Spot: Shady PathThis stamp spot is on the path immediately to the right of the bug gallery main entrance.
Upon interacting with this stamp spot you’ll get this message:
“It seems like the temperature-climate bugs are relaxing here.”
Bug Stamp Spot: Giant TreeIn the back right corner of the first room in the bug gallery is a giant tree. You’ll find this stamp spot to the right of the tree.
Interact with the stamp spot and you’ll get this message:
”It seems the bugs gather for tree sap at night.”
Bug Stamp Spot: Quiet BenchYou’ll find this stamp spot on the far left side of the first room by the stairs next to the entrance to the butterfly room. It’s called the “Quiet Bench” stamp spot.
Once you approach it, you’ll get the following message:
“Sometimes it’s nice to take a short breather and relax on the bench.”
Bug Stamp Spot: Coconut CornerThis stamp spot is in the very back left corner of the first room in the bug gallery.
You’ll get this message:
“I bet tropical bugs get to go surfing and lay out on the beach all the time.”
Bug Stamp Spot: Butterfly GardenThe location of this stamp spot shouldn’t come as a surprise. This is located in the butterfly room of the bug gallery.
You’ll get this message for this stamp spot:
”Sitting on a bench at this fountain… is about as classy as it gets.”
Bug Stamp Spot: Hiding BugsThis stamp spot is directly in front of the three “hiding bugs” displays in the back room of the bug gallery. It’s right next to the door that leads to the butterfly room. This is the “Hiding Bugs” spot.
Once you approach it, you’ll get the following message:
“Bugs: Masters of disguise!” Now all that’s left is The Lab!
Bug Stamp Spot: The LabAs the stamp spot name suggests, you’ll find this stamp spot by the lab area in the back right corner of the back bug room. It’s on the ramp leading into the lab (which is just past the underground bugs exhibit.)
Once you approach it, you’ll get the following message:
“I bet some groundbreaking research goes on here.”
Bug Stamp RewardOnce you’ve collected all the bug stamps, return to Blathers.
He’ll be a bit surprised at your ability to make it quickly through the bug gallery (since, you know, he hates bugs) and will reward you with a Bug Plaque.
Fish Stamp Spot: Serenity TankUpon entering the fish gallery, go down toward the first tank (or take an immediate right!). You’ll see the stamp spot just in front of this small tank.
Approaching the stamp spot gives you this message:
“Little guys, just chillin’ in a little tank. Must be nice.”
Indeed, it must be nice.
Fish Stamp Spot: The PondThis spot is in the lowered tank that houses the catfish, koi, and other pond fish in the first room.
You’ll get this message with your stamp:
“I feel like these guys are little aquatic athletes. Go, team!”
Fish Stamp Spot: HeadwatersIn the back corner of the first room by the river fish is this stamp spot.
You’ll get this reaction when you approach the station:
”Different fish live in different parts of the same river. Wow!”
Fish Stamp Spot: The CoastThis stamp spot is right by the door that leads from the river and pond room, so it’s a hard one to miss!
Upon approaching you’ll get this message:
Fish Stamp Spot: Coral ReefIn the shallow ocean room, head up the stairs to the back. Here you’ll find the stamp spot with the coral reef fish.
You’ll get this message with the stamp:
“Oooh, a colorful, vibrant, warm sea. I want to swim here.”
Fish Stamp Spot: Icy SeaThis spot is in the back corner of the ocean room, just up the stairs and I’m the corner.
Upon approaching you’ll get this message:
”That’s as chilly as it gets!’
Fish Stamp Spot: The DeepThis stamp spot is in the big tank room… right in front of the big tank!
You’ll get this message when interacting with the stamp spot:
”That is one big ocean!’
Fish Stamp Spot: AbyssThe Abyss stamp spot is, you guessed it, by the spooky deep sea fishtank in the back right room of the museum. The stamp spot is at the base of the ramp, giving you the perfect view of the big, ancient fish.
Upon approaching the stamp spot you’ll get this message:
“How far down are we?”
Fish Stamp RewardWith your fish stamp card filled, head to Blathers for your prize.
He’ll remind you that the fish gallery makes for an elegant backdrop for photos, which is true! Then he’ll give you that final stamp along with the Fish Plaque.
Fossil Stamp Spot: Mollusks/ArthropodsYou’ll spot this stamp spot as soon as you enter the fossil gallery. It’ll be on your left, right by the pamphlet stand.
Upon approaching you’ll get this message:
“No backbone. But still tough, I bet.”
Fossil Stamp Spot: VertebratesThe Vertebrates stamp spot is on the right side of the fossil gallery entryway.
You’ll get this message for this stamp spot:
“Now THESE guys have some backbone…”
Fossil Stamp Spot: Aquatic ReptilesThis stamp spot can appear at the very front of the big fossil room.
Upon approaching the stamp station you’ll get this message:
”They should call this display ‘NOT Dinosaurs, Chapter One.’”
Fossil Stamp Spot: PterosaursThis stamp spot is also an easy find. As soon as you walk into the second room of the fossil gallery, you’ll see this stamp spot straight ahead.
Upon approaching the stamp spot you’ll get this message:
“They should call this display ‘NOT Dinosaurs, Chapter Two.'”
Fossil Stamp Spot: Extinction SpotThis stamp spot is near the front middle of the main fossil room. It’s right by the dot that gives you a good view of the taller fossils.
Upon approaching the stamp spot you’ll get this message:
“What’s that big orb near the ceiling? I’m sure it’s fine…”
Fossil Stamp Spot: SynapsidsThe Synapsids stamp spot is next to the model of the meteor impacting the earth.
You’ll get this reaction to the stamp spot:
“‘Distant relatives of mammals.’ Huh.”
Fossil Stamp Spot: CenozoicThis stamp spot is in the back room of the fossil exhibit.
Upon approaching you’ll get this message:
“What are those silhouettes above and behind them?”
Fossil Stamp RewardMake your way to Blathers with your finished fossil stamp card for your fossil prize.
Blathers is just happy to see you running around the fossil exhibit. He’ll give you a Fossil Plaque for your efforts.
Art Stamp Spot: Sculpture ExhibitThe stamp station for the Sculpture Exhibit can be found just slightly north of the entrance.
Art Stamp Spot: Baroque Gallery Stamp SpotNot too far North of the Sculpture Exhibit, climb the two set of stairs and you will find the Baroque Gallery stamp station just left of the second set of stairs, along the wall.
Art Stamp Spot: The West Stamp SpotClimb the stairs just north of the Sculpture Exhibit station and follow the path east until you reach the stamp station in the northeastern corner of the Gallery.
Art Stamp Spot: Art from the EastYou will find the Art from the East stamp station in the southeastern corner of the Gallery. This location is also just southeast of The West Stamp Spot.
Art Stamp RewardOnce you have collected all three Art stamps, make your way to Blathers to collect your prize. For all your work, Blathers will reward you with a Art Plaque, which can be hung inside your house.
Collecting the three stamps from the fossil, bug, fish, and art gallery wings of the museum will earn you a reward for every completed card. Blathers gives you the following stamp rally prizes:
Fish Plaque Bug Plaque Fossil Plaque Art PlaqueThese are the same design as the ones you see in the museum. Remember, you can take part in the museum stamp rally daily, but you’ll only ever get these three as rewards.
The fossil plaque, bug plaque, art plaque, and fish plaque all sell for 300 Bells each. You can gift them to your villagers, too!

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