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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Wraith Boss Guide


Oct 29, 2023

In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, there are some bosses to face if you want to continue with your adventure and see the credits after defeating the final boss. However, some of them can be considered more secondary than the others. This is the case, for example, of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Wraith boss, which may not be considered one of the main bosses you will have to face. In any case, in this article, we will explain the best strategy to use to get the better of this boss and be able to continue with your adventure.

How to find Wraith in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Wraith is one of the new vigilantes that you will find in this second chapter of Spider-Man, and he is a person very close to Peter Parker. After completing a series of secondary missions, in fact, you will have the opportunity to face and defeat this boss in a battle that will bring with it many emotions, like the one against Scream. However, since it is not one of the main bosses that you will be able to face, it will not be available as a fight in the normal course of the story. Consequently, you will first have to complete the “Amends” mission in order to receive a notification from Chief Clarke and reach the location indicated on the map as Peter. Your task in this mission will be to stop the cultists of The Flame, and this is where you will meet Wraith.

You’ve probably already figured it out, but in case you haven’t, Wraith is none other than Yuri Watanabe, the captain’s police friend. After what happened in the DLC of the first chapter, Yuri decided to leave the police and start taking justice into her own hands, adopting methods that are anything but conventional and which conflict with Spider-Man’s line of thought. In any case, complete the missions that are only related to The Flame until you get to the last one, which is nothing other than the battle against Wraith herself.

spider-man 2 wraith boss

How to beat Wraith in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

This boss fight, contrary to what you might think, is actually not that simple to face. In fact, Wraith is a very respectable opponent, and she certainly won’t get carried away by the fact that she was a friend of Peter. This is a full-fledged battle in which you will always have to be vigilant and attentive. Moreover, as for other boss fights, this one is also divided into different phases, each of which is different from the other.

Phase 1

During the first phase, Wraith will mostly make use of his weapon, that is, scythes attacked by catanas that are capable of hitting even from a distance. Furthermore, this weapon also allows her to grab objects and throw them at you, so what you will have to do is dodge these objects and try to stay as close to her as possible in order to completely eliminate the use of this move.

Watch out for a combo where Wraith will come close to hitting you, and then try to land a second attack that ends in a jump. The first two moves can be either parried or dodged, so it’s up to you to choose, while the third, the jump, must absolutely be parried, as it is not possible to dodge it. This way, you will also be able to land a couple of shots. Repeat this strategy until his health bar reaches 50%.

At this point, Wraith will be much more aggressive than before, which will allow you to become more aggressive as well. Our advice, in this case, is to make use of Spider-Man’s special abilities, so before taking part in this battle, spend some time improving them. Furthermore, don’t forget to make use of some gadgets, such as the Web-Shooters and the Web Grabber. Using them, you will be able to stun Wraith and land hits.

spider-man 2 wraith boss

Phase 2

Once you have completely emptied Wraith’s health bar, the second phase of the battle will begin. In this phase, Yuri will have several new moves available in his arsenal that you will have to pay attention to. One of them is a Crush attack that players will have to dodge (don’t try to parry it; it’s useless), in which Wraith will throw ceiling debris at you. The most effective strategy to use to avoid this attack is, once again, to stay as close to her as possible.

In this second phase, even less than in the first, do not throw yourself headlong into the clash. Attack the boss only when you have parried one of his attacks or if you see that there are cooldown periods between one move and another. Also, be aware that once you take away 25% of her new health bar, Wraith will try to disorient you by making use of some smoke bombs. As a result, you will have to rely completely on your developed senses. Once the smoke has cleared and you have a good view again, you can consider attacking her again. Use more or less the same strategies as in the first phase until only a third of his health bar remains. At this point, Wraith will use smoke bombs again to cloud your vision. Follow the previous strategy and wait for the effect to wear off before hitting her.

Ultimately, we can say that the movements of this boss are very fast, and it will not be easy to keep up with him. Consequently, the most effective strategy to use is to rely heavily on your advanced senses so that you can predict which direction you will be hit from and whether or not you will be able to block the blows. In this regard, the strategy to defeat Wraith is based a lot on being able to parry and dodge the most dangerous attacks, as well as throwing objects to inflict greater damage and from a distance.

Furthermore, also pay attention to the fact that Wraith will be able to teleport to various places in the arena and then surprise you. As a result, you will have to pay close attention to his movements, which would be impossible if you didn’t rely on Spider-Man’s developed senses. For this reason, to face this battle, our advice is to unlock gadgets and skills that could make your life easier, so don’t immediately throw yourself headlong into this boss fight, especially if you are playing Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 at maximum difficulty.

In any case, once you understand what the pattern of this boss is like, you will be able to defeat him and finish the series of secondary missions related to The Flame. Furthermore, by doing so, you will also stop an old friend of yours from taking justice into her own hands for what she has suffered in a way that, however, would only harm her and make her appear to be in the wrong.

spider-man 2 wraith boss

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