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Marakuguc Shrine location and walkthrough in Zelda: TOTK


Jun 13, 2023

Marakuguc Shrine is located within the Eldin Canyon region of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Our guide will help you find the Marakuguc Shrine location and solve its Wheeled Wonder puzzle to grab its treasure and Light of Blessing.

When you’re done, our shrine locations page or interactive Hyrule map can direct you toward something else to do.

Marakuguc Shrine location

The Marakuguc Shrine is found within the Eldin Canyon region at the (1761, 2508, 0437) coordinates. It’s west of Death Mountain and just northeast of Goron City, for reference.

Marakuguc Shrine walkthrough

1. After entering the shrine, head straight forward until you reach the gap. Stand on the edge and peer down — you’ll see there’s a panel on the floor you can grab with Ultrahand. Pull the first one up and the rest will come with it.

Pulling up panels to create a bridge in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s Marakuguc Shrine.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

2. Attach the panel to the two dangling from the other side of the gap to create a bridge. Cross over.

3. Next, there’s a fiery pit to cross. In front of you, there’s a pile of panels to make a bridge and to the right of that, a wheeled mechanism. Take the wheel mechanism and use Ultrahand to attach it to the front of the pile of panels. Hit the wheels to activate them and they’ll pull the panels across the fiery pit to make a bridge. Cross over.

A wheeled device pulls a bridge over a pit of fire in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s Marakuguc Shrine.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

4. There are two more wheeled devices straight ahead. Combine the panels attached to both of these to create a vehicle of sorts. Hop on, hit the wheels, and cross the pit.

Link makes a car in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s Marakuguc Shrine and it’s designed to cross a pit of fire.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

5. Hit a wheel to stop the car.

6. On your right, there’s an overhang. Move your vehicle using Ultrahand over there, right where the lip of the overhang is. Raise the vehicle to the overhang then back to the ground. Hop on and use Recall to raise the vehicle so you can access the ledge.

Link raising the car to the ledge in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s Marakuguc Shrine.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

7. Head straight forward and you’ll find a Construct. Fight it and defeat it.

8. Further in, there’s another vehicle inside toward the left of the room. Move it to the right side of the room, right at the back corner where there’s a high platform. Again, raise the vehicle to the lip of the platform and back down again. Use Recall to get yourself up there and get the chest. Inside there’s a strong Construct bow.

Using a vehicle to reach a chest in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s Marakuguc Shrine.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

9. Hop down and turn to the left. There’s another gap filled with balls and a gated off area with gaps leading into the next chamber. In front of the gap, there’s a piece of metal. Attach the piece of metal to the vehicle, which you should move right in front of the gap. Essentially, you’ve created a plow.

10. Hit the wheels and the plow will push the balls into the next room. If you miss any, use Ultrahand to reposition the car and try again. You don’t need to move all the balls, however — just most of them, it seems.

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Link uses a car contraption to solve a puzzle in the Marakuguc Shrine.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

11. Head through the gaps. If you’ve got enough balls in the indent in the floor, the gate at the end of the room will open.

Balls in the pit in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s Marakuguc Shrine.

Image: Nintendo EPD/Nintendo via Polygon

12. Head through that doorway and examine the sigil to collect the Light of Blessing.

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