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League of Legends patch 11.13 notes – Tahm Kench mini rework, Prestige Zed, Astronaut skins


Jun 15, 2021

We’re past the League of Legends 2021 patch schedule‘s halfway point, LoL fans. League of Legends patch 11.12 has been boxed up, wrapped with a bow, and posted to live servers, which means it’s time to see what’s coming up next. Patch 11.13 has started appearing on the PBE, and it’s set to be a big one, as revealed by a Riot dev’s recent comments on Twitter, so let’s take a peek at what’s there, shall we?

First up, we’ve got a mini-rework for Tahm Kench up for testing. The River King is getting adjusted stats and abilities, and some new VFX with the small-scale overhaul, and we’ve detailed all of the changes for you in the notes below. Also in the area of balance changes, we’ve got a nerf for Kindred, plus a raft of item changes on the way. Oh, and we’ve got some power-focussed changes headed to Lucian and other tweaks coming for Mage champs, too, as lead game designer on the Summoner’s Rift team Jeevun Sidhu has explained on Twitter. More champion changes will surely arrive soon, so do keep checking back on these notes over the patch’s two-week testing cycle.

11.13 also brings some new champion skins, with four new styles from the Astronaut line, and a Prestige Edition skin for Zed, too. You can get a look at these in the Champion Skins section below.

Now, let’s get on with the show – here are the tentative League of Legends patch 11.13 notes based on what’s on the PBE for testing right now (cheers, Surrenderat20!):


According to the League of Legends 2021 patch schedule, League of Legends patch 11.12 is due to go live on Wednesday, June 9, 2021. Maintenance times haven’t yet been confirmed, but usually begin at 3am PT for NA servers, 5am UK time for EUW servers, and 3am CET for EUNE servers, and last for approximately three hours.

LEAGUE OF LEGENDS PATCH 11.13 – Tahm Kench Mini Rework

Tahm Kench Mini Rework


  • Base HP – decreased to 570 from 600
  • HP per level – decreased to 95 from 100
  • Base armour – decreased to 42 from 47
  • Mana per level – increased to 50 from 40


An Acquired Taste (Passive):

Ability details:
“Attacks deal (2.5% Health) bonus magic damage. Against champions, the add a stack of An Acquired Taste for 5 seconds, up to 3 times.
At 3 stacks, Tongue Last and Devour become empowered against that champion.”

Tongue Lash (Q):

Ability Details:
Mana Cost – 50/46/42/38/34
Cooldown – 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds
“Deals [80/130/180/230/280 (+70% AP)] magic damage to the first enemy hit and slows them by 40% for 2 seconds.
On Champion hit, heals Tahm for [6/7/8/9/10%] of his missing health and applies a stack of An Acquired Taste. If that Champion already had 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste, they will also be stunned for 1.5 seconds, consuming the stacks.
Activate Devour while your tongue in in midair to devour enemy champions who already have 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste from a distance when you hit them.”

Abyssal Dive (W):

Ability Details (W):
Mana Cost – 60/75/90/105/120
Cooldown – 21/20/19/18/17 seconds
“Dive down and re-appear at target location, dealing [100/135/170/205/240 (+100% AP)] magic damage and knock up all enemies in an area for 1 second. Hitting at least one enemy champion refunds 30% of the cooldown and mana cost.
Devoured allies units can be taken along for the ride (but can always hop out early).”

Thick Skin (E):

Ability Details:
No Cost
Cooldown – 3 seconds
Passive: 45/50/55/60/65% of damage Tahm Kench takes is stored by his Thick Skin. While out of combat for more that 4 seconds, Thick Skin will rapidly be consumed to heal Tahm for 30-100% of it’s value.
Active: Convert all your stored Thick Skin into a shield, lasting 2.5 seconds.”

Devour (R):

Ability Details:
Mana Cost – 100
Cooldown – 120/100/80 seconds
“Tahm Kench devours a champion for a few seconds. He can re-cast to spit them out.
Enemy Champions: Require 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste. Are devoured for up to 3 seconds and take [100/250/400 + (15% +0.05% AP) of their Max Health) magic damage. Tahm Kench is slowed by 40% and Grounded during this effect.
Ally Champions: Are devoured for up to 3 seconds and are granted a shield blocking [300/450/600 (+100% AP)] damage for up to 2.5 seconds after being spit out. Allies can also choose to exit early. Tahm Kench is slowed by 40/25/10% and Grounded during this effect – but he can cast Abyssal Dive.”

Here’s a look at Tahm Kench’s mini rework in action:

YouTube Thumbnail

League of Legends patch 11.13 Champion Changes

Champion Changes

Kindred – nerfed

Mark of the Kindred (Passive):
Attack Speed per mark has decreased to 5% from 15%


Item Changes

Rune Changes

Nimbus Cloak

Rune Move Speed has decreased to 5-25% from 5-35%

Here’s some context from Riot Games on the item changes coming this patch:


Champion Skins


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Here’s the ASTRONAUT CORKI splash art:


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Here’s the ASTRONAUT MAOKAI splash art:


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Here’s the shared ASTRONAUT RAMMUS and ASTRONAUT VEIGAR splash art:


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Here’s the PROJECT: ZED PRESTIGE EDITION splash art:

ARAM Changes

 Riot has posted details about some upcoming changes to League of Legends’ ARAM mode, which you can read about at that link. The balance changes will hit the Balance Changes section above when they come to the PBE.

That’s all there is for the tentative League of Legends patch 11.13 notes right now, but keep checking back on these notes over its two-week-long testing cycle, as we’ll keep them updated with all the changes and other bits and pieces on the way as they hit the PBE. Assuming you want to keep up with all that’s headed to League next, that is? Of course you do.

While you’re here, take a peek at our sister site The Loadout’s League of Legends ranks guide if you’re after pointers on how to work your way up those ladders.

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