• Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

JavaScript dates and times will get easier soon


Feb 1, 2025

Web developers will soon find it easier to work with dates and times in JavaScript, thanks to emerging browser support for JavaScript’s Temporal object, according to Mozilla.

Implementations of the new Temporal object have begun shipping in experimental releases of browsers, said Brian Smith, staff technical writer on the MDN Web Docs team at Mozilla, in a blog post on January 23. Applications relying on scheduling, time-sensitive data, or internationalization can use Temporal for precise, consistent dates, times, calendars, and durations.

However, stable, cross-browser support for Temporal has not been reached yet, and changes may be made as implementations develop, Smith said. Mozilla’s Firefox browser appears to have the most-mature implementation at this juncture, with support being built into the Nightly version behind the behind the javascript.options.experimental.temporal preference, he said. The main browser bugs that track Temporal implementations include Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

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