Intel has shared a video showcasing Arc A750 GPU performance, and its in-house benchmarks suggest it outpaces the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060. The gaming PC giant’s own tests include expected fps for games like F1 2021, Cyberpunk 2027, Control, and Fortnite all of which seemingly run faster on the blue team’s desktop graphics card.
In the new Intel Arc GPU showcase video, marketing manager Ryan Shrout sits down with Fellow Tom Petersen to discuss A750 performance. Petersen refers to the upcoming SKU as the company’s “number two” GPU, while stating that’ll be “an amazing perf per dollar story.” The duo then move on to try out Control on the desktop card while showing off its settings and frame rate.
The demonstration shows that the Intel Arc A750 can boost fps to above 60 in Control with mostly high settings at 1440p. Petersen says we can expect performance in the range of 60-70fps, and call it the “type of experience you’d expect from a performance GPU.”
The four-minute clip also includes some RTX 3060 comparisons, with benchmarks placing the Arc A750 ahead of the GeForce GPU. The blue team says the card can crank out up to 17% more frames in “optimised” games, using F1 2021, Cyberpunk 2027, Control, Borderlands 3, and Fortnite as examples.
Petersen says Intel Arc optimisation will be a “lifelong journey” for some releases, but says the company working away at games that have been around for twenty years. This suggests some of our favourite Steam games could eventually run pretty well on Arc GPUs, even if performance is currently shaky.
Ultimately, the video demonstrates Intel’s commitment to its Arc launch, even if its first generation of products falls flat against upcoming RTX 4000 and RDNA 3 GPUs. If the blue team can establish a baseline of cards that can at least compete with current gen GeForce cards, Intel could become a proper future runner in the best graphics card race, even if cancellation rumours and a lack of availability overshadow the lineup’s debut.