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Huskar is the Hero to Help You Gain MMR


Jan 4, 2022

We go over some things that make Huskar one of the preferred options for Dota 2 players looking to gain loads of MMR.

Although some Dota 2 players don’t pay a lot of attention to their MMR, others are trying to gain as much rating as possible. Of course, the easiest way of doing this is by picking the strongest heroes in the current patch. This usually works, but there are cases where even this is not enough to start winning.

While it is true that some people use other kinds of methods to get the MMR they want, others prefer to focus on playing a few specific heroes. One of them is Huskar, a hero that has proven himself to be among the best heroes in every meta. Even though he is not the go-to option for pro games, Huskar is an excellent way of gaining MMR in no time, as long as you know how to utilize his potential. Here are some of the most important things that you need to know about this hero so you can take advantage of his skills.

Huskar can work as a mid laner, offlaner, or even a carry

Huskar is one of the heroes in Dota 2 that is mainly known for being a core. We are yet to see a Huskar support work out. So, it is not recommended to use this hero as a position four for five. With that being said, he is an excellent mid laner, offlaner, as well as carry, depending on the situation.

Huskar is incredibly strong in a 1v1 scenario; which is why most players prefer to go to the mid lane or the offlane. However, the latter is not always a good idea because there are cases where he has to play against several heroes. Even though he can do pretty well, Huskar won’t get the farm he needs to be effective. Consequently, he won’t be able to carry his team to victory.

As for the mid-lane, there are not that many heroes that can go toe to toe with Huskar. This means he can easily dominate his lane and force his opponent to use tons of regeneration. Furthermore, being a mid laner means he will gain levels fast, allowing him to participate in teamfights more effectively.

In terms of a carry Huskar, the hero can do pretty good, but only if he is paired with defensive support; such as Omniknight or Dazzle. Huskar does a lot of damage, but he is not the faster farming hero in the game. Consequently, he needs to score kills in order to snowball, which means he will constantly stay on low HP.

He needs to snowball, otherwise he’s not effective

One of the problems you have to take into account before picking Huskar is the fact that the hero needs to snowball in order to be effective. This might seem easy, but it can become almost impossible to bounce back if you die several times during the laning stage. Also, unlike other cores, Huskat doesn’t farm fast, so he needs kills to stay ahead.

The easiest way to snowball is by killing the heroes on your lane as many times as possible. Securing solo kills until you hit level six is not easy, but once that happens, you can kill any hero on the map.

Get Roshan as fast as possible

Similar to Ursa, Huskar is one of the few heroes in Dota 2 capable of killing Roshan on his own. As you can probably guess, this is a huge advantage for the hero and something that will let him be a lot more aggressive.

Huskar is one of the cores that shines the most during the mid game because he is almost unkillable; especially with an Aegis. That’s why most players’ primary goal should be to kill Roshan as fast as possible and start participating in teamfights. It should be pointed out that Huskar can’t just go and kill Roshan unless he has some form of lifesteal. Moreover, you have to be careful how many Burning Spears you use because Roshan might bash and even kill you.

Purchase items that provide HP, Armor and Magic resistance

Huskar is a strong core that can do tons of damage during teamfights, as long as he stays alive. Due to the fact that he doesn’t do almost any AoE damage, the hero needs items that will let him survive damage from multiple sources. In other words, he needs things that provide HP, armor, and magic resistance.

Besides Heart of Tarrasque, Huskar is also one of the best heroes for which you can get Satanic. He is also great for things, such as Heaven’s Halberd, Assault Cuirass, and Black King Bar. Every item that provides HP and survivability is welcomed because it helps Huskar do a lot more damage.

If we have to sum him up, Huskar is a hero that can do a lot of damage and help you gain MMR. He’s not the easiest hero to master, but he’s also not that complicated compared to other meta heroes. Which means you should be able to start winning in no time. With that being said, Huskar’s main problem is the fact that he needs to be ahead in order to be successful. If his item progression is slowed down, he is not as useful as you may think. Be sure to check the heroes your teammates want to pick prior to choosing this option.

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