• Sat. Oct 26th, 2024

Hela Deck Marvel Snap Build Guide


Jan 14, 2024

With the new meta popping off, many Marvel Snap players are building their decks around Hela. So, here’s an in-depth Hela Deck Marvel Snap build guide!

For some context, Hela is the main antagonist from the movie Thor: Ragnarok. So, fans of the MCU should know who this character is just from her name. She is an imposing threat as she single-handedly took out everyone at Asgard while Thor and Loki were away. And even when Thor came back to save his home, he could not match up to the might of Hela. Simply put, Hela is a force to reckon with! And given the current meta of Marvel Snap, she can be very powerful in the right deck setup. So, here’s our in-depth Hela Deck Marvel Snap build guide that you can try for yourself.

Hela Card Profile

Hela Deck Marvel Snap Build Guide

Credit: Marvel Snap Zone

On the surface, Hela may not seem very interesting. It is a 6-Cost card with 6-Power. However, her On Reveal ability is what sets her apart from the rest! Hela has the ability to resurrect all the cards you discarded throughout the game to random locations. This can be a huge play in the final turn as it can give you the power you need to win at least 2 locations. For instance, let’s say you discarded cards like The Infinaut, Giganto, Hulk, etc. So, when you play Hela, you will be able to resurrect them and play them across your entire board giving you an easy victory!

The Best Hela Deck in Marvel Snap

Given Hela’s unique ability to resurrect discarded cards, the goal of your deck should be to discard as many high-power cards as you can before playing Hela in turn 6. But before playing her, do take note of the board as Ongoing cards like Cosmo and On Reveal cards like Shang-Chi can really mess up your game plan. As of the current meta, we think Hela fits really well in a Magneto and The Infinaut deck. Here’s how you can set up your Hela deck in Marvel Snap:







Black Knight





Lady Sif






Silver Samurai



Black Cat



White Tiger



Red Skull









The Infinaut



What are the Abilities of the Cards?

Here’s a summary of all the card abilities we are using in the deck:

1. Blade – On Reveal: Discard the rightmost card from your hand.

2. Black Knight – After you discard a card, add the Ebony Blade to your hand with that card’s Power. (once per game)

3. Morbius – Ongoing: +2 Power for each time you discarded a card this game.

4. Lady Sif – On Reveal: Discard the highest-cost card from your hand.

5. Jubilee – On Reveal: Add the top card of your deck to this location.

6. Silver Samurai – On Reveal: Each player discards the lowest-Power card from their hand.

7. Black Cat – If this is in your hand after the turn, discard it.

8. White Tiger – On Reveal: Add a 8-Power Tiger to another location.

9. Red Skull – Ongoing: Enemy cards here have +2 Power.

10. Hela – On Reveal: Resurrect all cards you discarded to random locations.

11. Magneto – On Reveal: Move all enemy 3 and 4-Cost cards to this location.

12. The Infinaut – If you played a card last turn, you can’t play this.

How Does the Deck Work?

Here’s the play by play for this deck:

  • Turn 1: On your first turn, it would be ideal to play Blade. Or you can play Black Knight and then set up a discard in the next two turns to power up the Ebony Blade.
  • Turn 2: Your play on Turn 2 should involve putting Morbius on the board and then slowly building up his power via discards throughout the game.
  • Turn 3: You should play Lady Sif in turn 3 and get rid of any big cards you have in your hand so that it can be later resurrected by Hela.
  • Turn 4: The game really opens up for this deck in Turn 4. Your best play here would be to put in Jubilee to get a high-power card in play. Or you can also Silver Samurai to discard another card from your hand. Black Cat is another great option which you can either play this turn or pass and let her discard herself.
  • Turn 5: For turn 5, your ideal play would be to get White Tiger on board so that you have an 8-Power Tiger on another location you are contesting. Red Skull is another great option but make sure to play it safely as he will buff up your opponent’s card in the same location as well. You can also skip this turn and prepare for an Infinaut play next turn.
  • Turn 6: On your final turn, if you were able to set up your board, then this is the time to put Hela on the field and watch your other locations fill up with some high-power cards.

Final Thoughts

Hela is a perfect fit for most discard decks and can really ramp up your presence on the board in your final turn. You also have plenty of options to choose from when you are building a deck around this card. So, pick the ones that you are most comfortable with and practice making the right plays.

For more Marvel Snap deck build guides, check out ESTNN!

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