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GTA Los Santos Tuners Prize Ride challenges – what is the Prize Ride?


Jul 17, 2021

The GTA Online Los Santos Tuners update introduces plenty of new content, all focused on the city’s underground tuner scene. There’s a new ‘social space’, called the LS Car Meet, where you can show off your souped-up cars, race with fellow gearheads, and take on jobs.

Throughout your time spent in the Car Meet, you can level up your reputation and unlock new benefits as you progress. There’s also a huge Test Track inside the warehouse, where you can try out Test Rides – a great opportunity to take different vehicles for a spin.

Becoming an LS Car Meet member sets you back $50,000 in-game bucks, but it grants you access to a bunch of underground shops – the Merch Shop, Tattoo Shop, and a Modding Area where you can tweak your car in real time. At higher levels, you can create your own customised area in the Car Meet, called a Private Takeover. LS Car Meet members can also compete in Prize Ride challenges, in order to be in with a chance to win a Prize Ride.

GTA Online Prize Ride challenge

We’ll update this guide once we know what the first Prize Ride challenge and reward is, when the Los Santos Tuners release date arrives on July 20. It looks like you can win any of these new GTA Los Santos Tuners cars as a prize reward. There are also various new races available on and off the Test Track, including:

  • Head-to-Head – a one-on-one ‘short format race’
  • Scramble – up to four players race to collect 20 checkpoints
  • Time Trials
  • Street Race Series
  • Pursuit Series – a more open race, where you can take multiple different routes
  • Sprint – a point to point challenge against up to three others

The Prize Ride challenge has yet to be implemented, but we will include information on the Prize Ride on offer once it’s been revealed. Until then, if you want to get your hands on a shiny new ride, here’s the current GTA Online podium car.

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