Serving as the definitive version of 3D platforming darling Yooka-Laylee, this year’s Yooka-Replaylee is gearing up to provide an incredible journey.
Gamers Heroes recently spoke with legendary Composer Grant Kirkhope at GDC 2025 about his work on the Yooka-Replaylee soundtrack, what inspires him, and more – learn more with our interview.
Grant Kirkhope GDC 2025 Interview: Legendary Composer talks Yooka-Replaylee, Inspiration, and More
Gamers Heroes
It is a true honor to meet you! You have created so may earworms both old and new, and I have played countless games with your soundtracks like Banjo-Kazooie.
I’m really looking forward to Yooka-Replaylee, and was even listening to the original Yooka-Laylee soundtrack on Spotify earlier today!
One of the things I’d like to ask is, how are you going to improve upon that? You’ve already got perfection right there – how do you build upon perfection?
Grant Kirkhope
We re-recorded all the level tunes with a live orchestra!
In the original game, it was just samples I used, so it’s been a big deal to kind of go to Prague with the Prague Philharmonic and record all the level tunes.
That’s a real step up for the audio!
Gamers Heroes
What’s it like working with people like David Wise? Also a great composer, of course.
Grant Kirkhope
Wonderful talent, and a great friend!
Dave wasn’t involved in the in Yooka-Replaylee. It was just really me, as I’ve been doing things for the orchestra.
When we first decided to do the game, we realized that Dave was best for certain bits and I’m best for other bits – so that’s how it worked out.
When it comes to Impossible Lair, it was mostly Dave, because that was more his domain – that 2D platformer. Whereas the first game was that 3D platform, which I’m better known for – so we know our strengths.
Gamers Heroes
I’ve previously interviewed The Blueshift Big Band, and they actually said you were an inspiration! They have a great representation of Treasure Trove Cove.
How do you feel about inspiring other composers and building off each other’s successes?
Grant Kirkhope
It’s one of those amazing things that if anybody wants to redo my stuff – it’s so flattering! It’s one of those really fantastic things that goes on in the video game world – I love that power!
For me to write a few piece of music in 1996 or whatever it was, and people still want to play it to this day, that’s incredible.
Gamers Heroes
And on the note, what type of music inspires you? I was doing my homework and I saw the Phineas and Ferb controversy – and I agree with your take!
Grant Kirkhope
I’m a metal fan – I’ve been a metal fan for years!
I like metal music like Queensrÿche, Judas Priest, all that stuff.
I also like film scores – so I’ve got those two sides of the coin. I did do a classically-trained degree in trumpet playing, so I’m used to classical music.
I feel like I get inspired by all of that – the metal stuff, along with John Williams, Danny Elfman, and people like that.
Gamers Heroes
I saw somebody previously asked you about your transition from playing in bands to working on video game projects. What are some of the ways you are bringing your experience playing in bands to the world of video games like Yooka-Replaylee?
Grant Kirkhope
I think everything you do in your life contributes to your future life somehow.
Spending all those years playing rock bands, all of that bleeds into it somehow. I was part of a rock band, and I was also part of a soul band as a trumpet player – I did a big variety of things.
I think you can’t help but be a product of what you learned in the past, whether you like it or not; it still bleeds into what you what you do always.
Gamers Heroes
Kind of an odd question, but are there any approaches you’ve always wanted to try when it comes to composing music? I know the DK Rap is certainly unique, but I’m wondering if there’s any other unique styles you’ve always wanted to try.
Grant Kirkhope
It’s my 30th year composing, and I feel like you get asked to do all sorts of stuff.
I recently did a track for Street Fighter 6 called “Annihilation.” Street Fighter 6 is quite a hip-hop style game, and I’m not really known for that kind of music. That was interesting to try, to have some kind of orchestral thing with the hip-hop beat mixed in with it. That was cool to do!
Also, Babyface Ray, who’s a well known Detroit rapper, contacted me six months ago about how he wanted to use the Goldeneye pause music for a rap track.
So I recreated that, sent it to him, and he used it as a track called “Count Money” ft. Bossman Dlow, and it’s out.
It’s amazing that somebody’s who’s a bona fide rapper remembers Goldeneye from back in the day, wanted to use the pause music for a track, right? It sounds amazing.
It’s on his Spotify profile – check it out!
It’s super cool to get to get asked to do different things. I feel like it’s nice to be a bit of variety, you know?
Gamers Heroes
Finally, what’s the best piece of advice that somebody’s given you?
Grant Kirkhope
Always say yes!
I feel like if you don’t say yes, you don’t get a chance, right? You’ve got to “be in it to win it,” as you say in the UK.
Whatever they ask you, say yes – worry about it later.
Gamers Heroes
I really appreciate your time – this means the world to me.
Thank you to PR for arranging this interview, and Grant Kirkhope for his time!
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