Hoo goes there? Owl puns aside, this Ghoul RE SSS Owl Guide tells you how to obtain the best CCG weapon in the game including its movesets.
Check out our Ghoul RE Clans Guide or Ghoul RE CCG Progression Guide for more on this Tokyo Ghoul-inspired game. Ready to start playing? Head over to Roblox!
Ghoul RE SSS Owl Guide
SSS Owl is one of the strongest Quinques obtainable for CCG Players. This reimagined Kagune has a lot of material requirements to obtain, and only the best and strongest players can wield it.
Currently, the SSS Owl is only obtainable if the player crafts it. Usually, a CCG member gets their first Quinque when becoming a Rank 1 Investigator and spending 2.5k Yen.
SSS Owl Materials
Before collecting materials, you’ll need to first summon and defeat the Eto Boss repeatedly until it drops the SSS Owl Blueprint. Without the blueprint, you won’t gain access to its crafting recipe. Fortunately, there’s a silver lining as a lot of materials needed for this Quinque come from the boss.
You can spawn Eto by visiting the NPC who stands outside of the CCG Organisation building and paying her 5k Yen. If you have a party, your teammates will automatically TP to the raid boss when Eto is conjured.
- x5 Deformed Kakuhou
- x10 Refined Bikaku Fragments
- x5 One-Eyed Fragments
- x60 Bronze
- x15 Kakuja Fragments
- x1 One-Eyed Kakuja Fragment
- x55 Molded Gold
- x55 Steel
- x10 Gold
- x25 Bikaku Fragments
- x55 Molded Steel
SSS Owl Movesets
Now let’s move on to what makes this Quinque so special and deserving of the strongest title!
- Owl Hunt [Z]: Dash forwards and slash at anything in your line AoE.
- Owl Rend [X]: Use the Quinque to pierce the ground and unleash a ripple of shards surrounding the player in a circle AoE.
- Owl Massacre [C]: Teleport behind an opponent in the blink of an eye and impale them with a shard that rises from the ground.
- CRITICAL: Leap forward and swing the Quinque, unleashing bullets of shards.