Razer Blade laptops are among our favourite gaming laptops on the market. They tend to look and feel excellent while still handling games very nicely. As far as gaming laptops go, it’s hard to go wrong picking up one of these. Even this base model is a nice little gaming laptop, and with a fair discount it’s even better.
Currently the Mercury White Razer Blade 15 Base gaming laptop is $900 off on BestBuy. This brings the price down from $2,299.99 to $1,399.99 which is a much more appealing option. This Blade packs a 10th gen Intel i7-10750H paired with an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Max-Q graphics card. Plus half a TB of SSD storage and 16 GB of RAM
It’s certainly not the most powerful gaming laptop in the world, but it’s definitely capable and even has a 4k screen. It’s worth noting, the same unit is also on sale on Amazon but for $1,579.97 which still isn’t too bad but I’d take the BestBuy deal, personally. Both are restricted to the Mercury White model for the deal and the difference in price for colour is worth noting if the laptop seems more expensive on checkout.
BestBuy’s price puts this laptop at even cheaper than Razer’s new base model Blade that was recently announced. This baseline configuration pricing starts at $1,500 USD, and while it shares the same processor it’s only rocking an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti and half as much storage space. Sure, the one on sale right now isn’t as good as our the Razer Blade 15 Advanced which took out our best gaming laptop of the year, but it still seems a fair bet for a deal.