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Genshin Impact Kazuha banner and abilities


Jun 19, 2021

Kazuha is one of the Genshin Impact new characters arriving in the 1.6 update. He’s an Anemo Sword user and hails from Inazuma, but ‘currently lives with the Crux Fleet of Liyue’. According to his character information, he’s a ‘gentle and carefree soul whose heart hides a great many burdens’.

From the information we already have, it looks like Kazuha could be useful as either a support or DPS character, depending on how you build him and how many of his constellations you’re able to unlock, you can check out of Genshin Impact best Kazuha build to prepare ahead of time. Interestingly, he focuses on elemental damage, and scales with elemental mastery. He depends heavily on his weapons and artifacts to provide him with damage bonuses as he doesn’t get these from his ascension.

He receives a huge elemental damage bonus from his ultimate when it combines with another element, and deals additional elemental damage whenever he causes a swirl reaction, so we recommend pairing him with characters who can provide this, like Chongyun or Hu Tao.

Kazuha banner release date

Kazuha will come after the new Klee banner (and we have intel on the best Klee build), so expect the Genshin Impact Kazuha banner release date to be mid-late June.

Genshin Impact Kazuha abilities

Kazuha’s abilities are available on Honey Hunter World – though they are subject to change in the full release.


  • Normal Attack: Performs up to five rapid strikes
  • Charged Attack: Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash two rapid sword strikes.
  • Plunging Attack: Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE damage upon impact. If this is triggered by Chihayafuru, it will be converted to Plunging Attack: Eanran Haishi.
  • Plunging Attack: Ranran Haishi – when a Plunging attack is performed using the effects of the Elemental Skill Chihayafuru, Plunging Attack damage is converted to Anemo damage and will create a miniature wind tunnel via a secret technique that pulls nearby objects and opponents in.


Press: Unleashes a secret technique as fierce as the rushing wind that pulls objects and opponents towards Kazuha’s current position before launching the opponents within the AoE, dealing Anemo damage and lifting Kazuha into the air on a rushing wind current. Within ten seconds of being in mid-air due to the effects of Chihayafuru, and if maintaining a mid-air state, Kazuha can unleash a particularly powerful Plunging Attack known as Ranran Haishi. Can be used in mid air.

Hold: Charges up before unleashing greater Anemo damage over a larger AoE than Press mode.

Elemental Burst: Manyou no Ittou

The ultimate Garyu technique – a single slash akin to a coming storm that deals AoE Anemo damage. The blade’s passage will leave behind a field named Ruka Akino that deals AoE Anemo damage at set intervals to opponents within it.
Elemental Absorption – If Ruka Akino comes into contact with an element, it will deal additional elemental damage of that type. Elemental Absorption may only occur once per use.

Kazuha passive talents

  • Matsukaze Karyuu – Decreases sprinting stamina consumption for your own part members by 20%. Not stackable with Passive talents that provide the exact same effects.
  • Weathering Blade – If Chihayafuru comes into contact with an element while being used, Elemental Absorption will occur during this Chihayafuru and it will deal 200% additional damage of that elemental type, which will be considered Plunging attack damage. Elemental Absorption may only occur once per use of Chihayafuru.
  • Windsong Poetics – Upon triggering a Swirl reaction, Kazuha will grant teammates a 0.03% Elemental damage bonus to their corresponding element for every point of Elemental Mastery he has for eight seconds. Bonuses for different elements obtained through this method can co-exist.

Kazuha constellations

  • Senzan Kouhen – Decreases Chihayafuru’s cooldown by ten percent. Using Manyou no Ittou resets the CD of Chihayafuru.
  • Yamaarashi Zanshin – The Ruka Akino field created by Manyou no Ittou has the following properties: Increases Kazuha’s own Elemental Mastery by 200. Increases the Elemental Mastery of characters within the field by 200. The Elemental Mastery-increasing effects of this Constellation do not stack.
  • Fushuu Kitan – Increases the level of Chihayafuru by three. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
  • Oozora Genpou – When Kazuha’s Energy is lower than 45, he obtains the following effects: Press or Hold Chihayafuru to regenerate three or four energy for Kazuha respectively. Regenerate two energy per second for Kazuha while gliding.
  • Bansei no Shuu – Increases the level of Manyou no Ittou by three. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
  • Ketsuseki Haku – Kazuha gains an Anemo Infusion for five seconds after using Chihayafuru or Manyou no Ittou. Additionally, each point of Elemental Mastery will increase the damage dealt by Kazuha’s normal, charged, plunging, and Ranran Haishin attacks by 0.2%.

That’s all we know so far about Kazuha, but we’ll let you know as soon as we discover more. In the meantime, kit out your Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot, or spend some quality time with your favourite characters in the Genshin Impact hangout events. Or if you’re after free primogems, check out our Genshin Impact codes guide.

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