Looking for one of the most hazardous place to fish? Yes, more than in the active volcano? Well then try to complete the Fisch Glacial Grotto Bestiary. Our guide is a record of all the different species you need to fill it out.
Fisch is free to play on Roblox. We’ve also got bestiaries for the other parts of the Northern Summit with our Overgrowth Caves Bestiary, Frigid Cavern Bestiary, and Cryogenic Canal Bestiary guides.
Fisch Glacial Grotto Bestiary Guide
Glacial Grotto is the highest fishing area on the Northern Summit. Where’s the water, you ask? It’s inside a small cave, hidden in a rocky crevice just off the summit path. You’ll find it at the following coordinates.
Frigid Glacial Grotto Entries
Here are all the fish you need to catch in order to complete the Glacial Grotto Bestiary, along with their preferred conditions and bait. Keep in mind that the fish can still appear during other seasons, times, and weathers. It can also appear without the preferred bait. The listed preferences are just what give you the best chances to hook one.
Frostling Goby
- Preferred Seasons: Winter
- Preferred Time: Day
- Preferred Weather: None
- Preferred Bait: Insects
Snowgill Dace
- Preferred Seasons: Winter
- Preferred Time: Day
- Preferred Weather: None
- Preferred Bait: Worms
Chillback Whitefish
- Preferred Seasons: Winter
- Preferred Time: None
- Preferred Weather: None
- Preferred Bait: Worms
Icy Walleye
- Preferred Seasons: Winter
- Preferred Time: Night
- Preferred Weather: None
- Preferred Bait: Minnows
Frostbite Flounder
- Preferred Seasons: Winter
- Preferred Time: None
- Preferred Weather: None
- Preferred Bait: Squid
Glacier Swordfish
- Preferred Seasons: Winter
- Preferred Time: None
- Preferred Weather: None
- Preferred Bait: Fish Heads
Icefang Barracuda
- Preferred Seasons: Winter
- Preferred Time: None
- Preferred Weather: None
- Preferred Bait: Fish Heads
Shiverfin Haddock
- Preferred Seasons: Winter
- Preferred Time: None
- Preferred Weather: None
- Preferred Bait: Fish Heads
Borealis Snapper
- Preferred Seasons: Winter
- Preferred Time: None
- Preferred Weather: None
- Preferred Bait: Fish Heads
Icebeard Shark
- Preferred Seasons: Winter
- Preferred Time: None
- Preferred Weather: None
- Preferred Bait: Truffle Worms