• Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Fisch Energy Crystals Guide – Location and How To Use!


Jan 2, 2025

This Fisch Energy Crystals Guide tells you the exact location and obtainment requirements for each Crystal including how to use them to obtain the end-game Heavens Rod!

Start playing Fisch on Roblox. For more like this, check out our Fisch Heaven’s Rod Guide. Or try my thoughts piece on What The Best Enchant For Each Rod Is In Fisch.

Fisch Energy Crystals Guide

The Energy Crystals each reside around the Northern Expedition and when brought together, unlock the gate to obtain the end-game Heaven’s Rod. But before that, let’s get into the location of each Crystal.

Blue Energy Crystal

For this first crystal, you’ll need a Pickaxe which is located at the coordinates 19779, 415 and 5390, resting on a wooden crate within the camp beside the Frigid Cavern. With the Pickaxe in hand, head down the summit to the coordinates 20129, 208 and 5445, which is a small cave opening between a camp and the Overgrowth Caves.

At the back of this structure, an NPC stands next to the Blue Energy Crystal that’s become encased in ice. Simply strike it with your Pickaxe to obtain it!

I already collected the Blue one… But it appears where I marked on the image!

Green Energy Crystal

Next, head back to the camp where you obtained the Pickaxe and enter the Frigid Cavern. At coordinates 19875, 448 and 5557, an NPC named ??? sits hiding behind an ice spike. To obtain the Green Energy Crystal, simply strike up a conversation and he will hand it over!

??? NPC who hands over the Green Energy Crystal.

Yellow Energy Crystal

This one is a little more complicated than its previous peers. To obtain the Yellow Energy Crystal, you’ll need to wait for an Avalanche event which happens naturally rarely or can be triggered using the Avalance Totem bought for 150,000 C$ at coordinates 197112, 467 and 6056.

During the Avalanche Event, you’ll have a slim chance of fishing up the Yellow Energy Crystal from any of the local fishing spots at Northern Expedition. I recommend choosing one out of the way of the cascading snow so that you don’t fall and die!

Avalanche Totem.

Red Energy Crystal

Finally, the Red Energy Crystal! To get this one, head to the Northern Expedition summit at the final camp and head towards the towering crystals that circle a podium. To the Northwest of this at the coordinates 19923, 1137 and 5358 waits Hiker #12.

If you collect the previous 3 Crystals, he will hand over the final one completing your set! Now you can go on to obtain the Heavens Rod.

Hiker #13 standing next to the Red Crystal pillar.

Obtaining The Heaven’s Rod

After slotting each Crystal into its corresponding coloured area, you will need to glide into an opening on the side of the mountain at the summit. Next, climb down the rope and you’ll see the rod in all its glory selling for a hefty 1,750,000 C$! The coordinates for the Heavens Rod vault are 19980, 916 and 5384.

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