• Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Fisch Atlantis Guide – How To Get The Heart Of Zeus And Open Atlantis


Jan 26, 2025

Atlantis is open. Well, it’s nearly open anyway. If you want to reach the ruined city, you’ll need to complete a few different steps. That’s what our Fisch Atlantis guide is all about. We run over each stage you need to complete to unlock the Heart Of Zeus.

Fisch is out on Roblox. If you want to learn about one of the other new features at the Grand Reef, take a look at our Fisch Bubble Mermaid guide.

Fisch Atlantis Guide – How To Get The Heart Of Zeus And Open Atlantis

Let’s cover the steps.

The Forsaken Shores Stash

Image of one of the Forsaken Shores secret levers, next to the Merchant.

The way to Atlantis is through the Grand Reef. Normally you’d need to bribe Captain Neptune to get clues to where to go, but we’re giving the info for free because we’re community-minded like that. Head to Forsaken Shores and pull five levers found around the island.

  • Lever 1 – To The Right Of Mila The Merchant.
  • Lever 2 – To the left of the Forsaken Skin Merchant, by the shelter with sleeping bags.
  • Lever 3 – Inside the Skull Cave on the right side.
  • Lever 4 – Behind the waterfall behind the Forsaken Pond.
  • Lever 5 – At the North end of the bridge at the top of the island, on the eastern bridge post.

Once you’ve pulled all these, you should get a notification that a treasure waits inside the skull. Head over there and go inside and you’ll find a hidden caved open, with a huge barrel inside. Interact with it to get 3 TNT.

Opening The Blocked Door

Image of the Heart Of Zeus Door lined with TNT as part of out Fish Atlantis guide.

Once you have the TNT, head to Grand Reef. Swim below the water, to where a huge door below the water sits, blocked with rocks. Swim to the base and equip the TNT to your hands. A prompt should appear to interact. This will place the TNT barrels around the pile.

A TNT detonator should appear at the bottom of the steps. Swim over and interact with it to blow up the rocks, and clear the path.

Note: When we tested this, the rocks respawned when we went up for air. This may be a bug, or you may need to do this all at once. When this happened, we were able to get the TNT back and retry.

Getting The Heart Of Zeus

Image of the Heart of Zeus cave as part of the Fisch Atlantis guide.

Swim through the gate and through a flooded passageway. Having the Advanced Diving Gear or the Water Bubble can help.

Eventually, you should be able to surface into a cave with columns and ancient statues. Follow the cave passage along, and you should see an item at the end. This is the Heart Of Zeus. Interact with it to pick it up. This should teleport you back to Grand Reef.

How To Open Atlantis

Back on Grand Reef, equip the Heart Of Zeus. Head to the crack in the ground in the middle of the central isle ( X -3575, Y 151, Z 525). Equip the Heart Of Zeus into your hand and use it with LMB or equivalent. This should teleport you straight to Fisch Atlantis.

Congratulations! You made it! Maybe speak to the ghostly Innkeeper nearby (X -4271, Y -603, Z 1817) to set your spawn so you can get right back to exploring the place after a break.

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