The Fisch Atlantis Bestiary is one of the largest in the game, bar the Ocean page. Find out which fish spawn where, their rarities, and what they prefer.
Obtain Eldritch catches in Fisch. To get around Atlantis, you might want to unlock the Fisch Water Bubble from the Bubble Mermaid NPC!
Fish Atlantis Bestiary
The Atlantis Bestiary contains fish from 5 different areas within the island.
Ethereal Abyss
One of the easiest locations to unlock in Atlantis! It requires two players to complete the puzzle.
- Column Crawler
- Atlantean Sardine
- Aqua Scribe
- Common
- Likes: Daytime, Clear weather, and Seaweed bait
- Neptune’s Nibbler
- Common
- Likes: Daytime, Clear weather, Summer or Spring, and Seaweed bait
- Temple Drifter
- Uncommon
- Likes: Daytime, Clear weather, and Deep Coral bait
- Echo Fisher
- Uncommon
- Likes: Nighttime, Foggy weather, and Shrimp bait
- Mosaic Swimmer
- Uncommon
- Likes: Spring and Coral bait
- Siren Singer
- Unusual
- Likes: Nighttime, Clear weather, Summer, and Deep Coral bait
- Oracle’s Eye
- Unusual
- Likes: Nighttime, Foggy weather, Winter, and Night Shrimp bait
- Chronos Deep Swimmer
- Unusual
- Likes: Truffle Worm bait
- Voidscale Guppy
- Rare
- Likes: Nighttime, Clear weather, Winter, and Night Shrimp bait
- Starlit Weaver
- Rare
- Likes: Nighttime, Clear weather, and Deep Coral bait
- Mage Marlin
- Legendary
- Likes: Nighttime, Clear weather, and Fish Head bait
- King Jellyfish
- Mythic
- Likes: Nighttime, Clear weather, Winter, and Truffle Worm bait
Sunken Depths
Another one of the locations within Atlantis that has a fairly straightforward unlock requirement. This one also requires two players!
- Atlantean Anchovy
- Poseidon’s Perch
- Common
- Likes: Daytime, Clear weather, Spring, and Insect bait
- Sunken Silverscale
- Common
- Likes: Daytime, Clear weather, Summer, and Shrimp bait
- Oracle Minnow
- Common
- Likes: Daytime, Clear weather, and Flakes as bait
- Crystal Chorus
- Uncommon
- Likes: Nighttime, Clear weather, Winter, and Shrimp bait
- Marble Maiden
- Uncommon
- Likes: Spring or Summer, and Worm bait
- Atlantean Guardian
- Unusual
- Likes: Fish Head bait
- Philosopher’s Fish
- Unusual
- Likes: Daytime, Clear weather, and Coral bait
- Helios Ray
- Unusual
- Likes: Daytime, Clear weather, Summer, and Fish Head bait
- Triton’s Herald
- Rare
- Likes: Nighttime and Deep Coral bait
- Twilight Glowfish
- Rare
- Likes: Nighttime, Clear weather, and Night Shrimp
- Atlantean Alchemist
- Rare
- Likes: Nighttime, Clear weather, and Fish Head bait
- Deep Crownfish
- Legendary
- Likes: Daytime and Clear weather
- Celestial Koi
- Mythic
- Likes: Nighttime, Rainy weather, Winter, and Truffle Worm bait
Zeus’s Rod Room
Complete both challenges in the Zeus trial.
- Voltfin Carp
- Common
- Likes: Rainy weather and Worm bait
- Lightning Minnow
- Common
- Likes: Daytime, Rainy weather, and Flakes as bait
- Sparkfin Tetra
- Common
- Likes: Daytime, Rainy weather, and Insect bait
- Static Ray
- Uncommon
- Likes: Rainy weather and Shrimp bait
- Storm Eel
- Unusual
- Likes: Nighttime, Rainy weather, and Fish Head bait
- Thunder Bass
- Unusual
- Likes: Nighttime, Rainy weather, and Fish Head bait
- Stormcloud Angelfish
- Rare
- Likes: Rainy weather and Shrimp bait
- Lightning Pike
- Rare
- Likes: Rainy weather and Minnow bait
- Thunder Serpent
- Legendary
- Likes: Nighttime and Rainy weather
- Zeus’ Herald
- Mythic
- Likes: Nighttime and Rainy weather
Poseidon’s Temple
Put the correct fish on the pedestals in the Poseidon Trial to unlock the temple!
- Titan Tuna
- Uncommon
- Likes: Daytime and Fish Head bait
- Colossal Carp
- Uncommon
- Likes: Daytime and Seaweed bait
- Giant Manta
- Unusual
- Likes: Daytime and Shrimp bait
- Leviathan Bass
- Unusual
- Likes: Nighttime and Fish Head bait
- Massive Marlin
- Rare
- Likes: Daytime and Fish Head bait
- Titanfang Grouper
- Rare
- Likes: Nighttime and Fish Head bait
- Titanic Sturgeon
- Rare
- Likes: Nighttime and Seaweed bait
- Deep Emperor
- Legendary
- Likes: Nighttime and Fish Head bait
- Deep Behemoth
- Legendary
- Likes: Nighttime and Truffle Worm bait
- Abyssal Goliath
- Mythic
- Likes: Nighttime and Truffle Worm bait
Kraken Pool and Kraken Hunt
Unlock the Kraken Pool by solving each Mythological Clock in Atlantis.
- Shadowfang Snapper
- Uncommon
- Likes: Nighttime and Fish Head bait
- Tentacled Horror
- Uncommon
- Likes: Nighttime and Shrimp bait
- Tentacle Eel
- Unusual
- Likes: Nighttime and Fish Head bait
- Deep One
- Rare
- Likes: Nighttime and Truffle Worm bait
- Eldritch Horror
- Rare
- Likes: Nighttime and Truffle Worm bait
- Kraken’s Herald
- Legendary
- Likes: Nighttime and Truffle Worm bait
- Abyssal King
- Legendary
- Likes: Nighttime and Truffle Worm bait
- Void Emperor
- Mythic
- Likes: Nighttime and Truffle Worm bait
- Abyssal Devourer
- Mythic
- Likes: Nighttime and Truffle Worm bait
Kraken Hunt
This event activates randomly within the server and lasts for around 15 minutes. You can only take part in this server event when you’re fishing inside the Kraken Pool.
- The Kraken
- Exotic
- Likes: Nighttime and Truffle Worm bait
- Ancient Kraken
- Secret
- Likes: Nighttime and Truffle Worm bait