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Finding and Farming Indium – No Man’s Sky Guide


Oct 31, 2023

Whether it’s the regular version you seek or the activated variant this guide will help you discover the secrets of finding and farming Indium in No Man’s Sky

Indium is a remarkable resource within the vast universe of No Man’s Sky. As described in the game, it is a chromatic metal formed through the fusion process in the core of a star. This extraordinary material manifests in deposits scattered throughout planetary crusts. If you’re eager to harness the power of this resource, you’ll need to know where to find it, how to use it, and even its intriguing variant, Activated Indium.

Finding and Farming Indium

Finding and Farming Indium - No Man's Sky Guide
Source: Reddit

Indium is a chromatic metal generated by the intense forces of a star’s core. These cosmic processes ultimately result in deposits of this resource on planets within blue star systems. In-game, you can use a Refiner to transform Indium into purified Chromatic Metal, which is a crucial component in crafting advanced technologies.

If you’re wondering where to hunt for Indium, look no further than planets orbiting blue stars. These celestial bodies hold the key to this precious resource. Moreover, Indium can be refined using a Refiner, typically with the following ingredients including Chromatic Metal, one of the most highly-used resources in No Man’s Sky.

Indium in the Cosmos

In No Man’s Sky, Indium is a sought-after resource, and its availability is intricately tied to the classification of star systems and the number of stars in those systems. Understanding the star system classifications is pivotal in your quest to find Indium:

  • Yellow Star Systems (Classes F & G): Yellow star systems are the most common, serving as the entry point into the galaxy. However, it’s important to note that Indium cannot be found in yellow star systems.
  • Red and Orange Star Systems (Classes M & K): These star systems are rarer and can only be accessed with a Cadmium Drive. In red and orange star systems, you can find planets with Cadmium deposits. Notably, Indium is not present in these star systems.
  • Green Star Systems (Class E, invented class): Green star systems are even scarcer and can only be accessed with an Emeril Drive. If you’re in search of planets with Emeril deposits, these systems are your destination. However, Indium cannot be found in green star systems.
  • Blue and Purple Star Systems (Classes B & O): Blue and purple star systems are rare gems, requiring an Indium Drive for access. These star systems are where you’ll discover planets with Indium deposits. Indium, the resource of interest, is exclusively found in blue and purple star systems.

The search for Indium in No Man’s Sky inevitably leads you to the rare and enigmatic blue and purple star systems. These unique star systems are the exclusive domains where Indium, a highly valuable resource, can be found. So before you get comfortable sticking to yellow stars, remember a world of new resources awaits you as soon as you install upgraded stellar drives.

Uses For Indium

Besides its high sell value, Indium serves purposes in game, including crafting unique items and refining high-demand and highly-used Chromatic Metal. There are also ways you can multiply your Indium count by refining the correct ingredients.

The crafted components are also essential to the game, allowing you to venture further into the mysteries of No Man’s Sky, including finishing the enigmatic The Atlas Path mission. Furthermore, it also upgrades your freighter with various technological components that enable you to visit systems that were once out of reach. serves various purposes in the game.


There are many crucial components which can be crafted with Indium, making it equally valuable in its pure, unrefined form.

  • Albumen Pearl Orb: This is a farmable product which spawns Albumen Pearls, a valuable trading commodity.It is crafted with Indium x 60 + Paraffinium x 20
  • Modified Quanta: This is a curiosity which is essential to the completion of The Atlas Path mission. It can be used to craft a Heart of the Sun.It is crafted with Novae Reclaiment x 1 + Indium x 100
  • Reality De-Threader: This is a level 3 freighter technology upgrade that allows your freighter to travel longer distances.It is crafted with Indium x 250 + Magnetic Resonator x 1 + Antimatter Housing x 6
  • Temporal Warp Computer: This is a freighter technology that allows your freighter to travel to blue star systems.
    It is crafted with Warp Hypercore x 1 + Magnetic Resonator x 2 + Indium x 250


Besides crafting, Indium can also be refined to produce valuable resources that you can use greatly throughout your journey through No Man’s Sky. The products you can refine it into are:

  • Chromatic Metal x 30 = Gold x 1 + Silver x 1 + Indium x 1
  • Chromatic Metal x 4 = Indium x 2
  • Chromatic Metal x 4 = Pure Ferrite x 1 + Indium x 1
  • Indium x 2 = Indium x 1 + Chromatic Metal x 1
  • Magnetised Ferrite x 4 = Ferrite Dust x 1 + Indium x 1

From the following list, the most beneficial refinements would be Chromatic Metal and Magnetised Ferrite, as both of these are used for building most of the early and basic items in No Man’s Sky.

Regular vs Activated

Sometimes newer players might be confused as to which Indium they have just collected, because explorers might often find themselves locating an Indium deposit, mining it and checking their inventory to find that they had actually mined the activated version, which is not a replacement for the regular version in crafting.

These newcomers might wonder how to find regular Indium, as they often come across its activated variant. To locate regular Indium, search for planets in blue star systems without severe weather conditions. Typically, planets with serene weather, like lush or dead planets, are your best bet. However, it’s not always straightforward, as resource tags can differ from what’s on the planet’s surface.

Activated Indium

Activated Indium, denoted as In+, is another valuable resource in No Man’s Sky. Similar to regular Indium, it’s a chromatic metal generated by star fusion. This unique form of Indium can be found on planets orbiting blue stars, typically those with extreme weather conditions. Industrial Frigate expeditions can also yield Activated Indium.


When visiting storm planets, there can be many ways to make money.  Besides the Storm Crystals you might be farming, whenever the storm clears, you can drop by Activated Indium deposits and mine them. This will allow you to maximize your profits by collecting both the crystals to sell, as well as stacks of Activated Indiums to add more value.


Besides crafting, Activated Indium can also be refined to produce valuable resources that you can use greatly throughout your journey through No Man’s Sky. The products you can refine it into are:

  • Chromatic Metal x 4 = Activated Indium x 1
  • Chromatic Metal x 8 = Pure Ferrite x 1 + Activated Indium x 1
  • Magnetised Ferrite x 8 = Ferrite Dust x 1 + Activated Indium x 1

From the following list, the most beneficial refinements would be both Chromatic Metal and Magnetised Ferrite, as both of these are used for building most of the early and basic items in No Man’s Sky.

Maximizing Use of Indium and Activated Indium

In summary, Indium and its activated counterpart are crucial resources for No Man’s Sky players. With this guide, you’re well-equipped to locate, refine, and make the most of Indium, contributing to your success in the ever-expanding universe of the game. Happy hunting and crafting!

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