• Sun. Nov 3rd, 2024

Fallout Worlds brings custom servers to Fallout 76


Jul 20, 2021

Bethesda is bringing custom servers to Fallout 76 through a new feature called Fallout Worlds. Like the existing private worlds, these custom servers will be part of the paid Fallout 1st subscription, but the devs also plan to roll out a rotating selection of unique world types to all players, for free.

Custom Worlds offer a massive variety of settings, including modifiers for infinite ammo, ragdoll intensity, CAMP placement restrictions, creature spawns, weather effects, radiation areas, jump height, fall damage, and more – plus there are more features to come. Your progress will not carry over back into the standard Adventure mode.

Besides Custom Worlds for Fallout 1st members, the devs will also be building their own sets of settings for unique worlds that all players will be able to get into. These Public Worlds will be free to hop into, and will be “hand-crafted by the team at Bethesda Game Studios with input from the Fallout 76 community”, according to the announcement blog.

Fallout Worlds will be available in the live game in September, but the feature is available to try out in the Public Test Server today.

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