• Thu. Jan 16th, 2025

Fallen babies are coming to the Destiny 2 merch store


May 9, 2021

The snarling little bundles of joy you may have noticed in the Destiny 2 – Season of the Splicer trailer earlier this week are coming to the Bungie merchandise store. That’s right – the Destiny 2 developer has heard the unceasing cries of its fans, and will be producing plush versions of the Fallen babies seen carried by a Dreg in the new promo video.

Destiny fans have been clamouring for plush Fallen babies since the trailer debuted, and Bungie has moved quickly to respond. It’ll be producing the toys in partnership with Numskull Designs, which its worked with before to produce a line of Destiny-themed rubber ducks and Christmas ornaments. Numskull has also reproduced the line of Doom collectible figurines that you can find in Doom and Doom Eternal.

The Fallen Baby Plush is still kind of in the concept phase at the moment. The store page says the final product will be about 10 inches (25.4 centimeters) long, and it looks like its four beady little eyes will glow in the dark. However, the listing includes the note “development in progress; details subject to change,” so the final result may be a bit different from the image that’s available now.

That said, Bungie plans to be shipping the baby Fallen before the end of 2021, and you can sign up to get an email when pre-orders become available. Just a hunch: if you want one, you’ll want to get on that list, because these things are going to go fast.

The Season of the Splicer release date is coming up a lot sooner than that, however, so hit that link to find out everything we know about it so far.

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