• Sat. Sep 28th, 2024

Everything You Need To Know


Dec 22, 2023

In Lego Fortnite, you will need many resources to be able to continue the game and advance further and further in level. One of these is the Lego Fortnite cursed bones, which will allow you to create some of the strongest gear you can get in the game. Obviously, however, getting hold of this type of material is not easy, as you will have to face enemies and therefore you will have to have a strategy to follow. In this article, therefore, we will explain everything you need to know regarding the Lego Fortnite cursed bones.

Where to Find Lego Fortnite Cursed Bones

As we have already mentioned, the Lego Fortnite cursed bones are used to create important recipes for the game’s economy. In fact, as soon as you come into possession of the first cursed bone, the recipes to create the Charm of Resilience and the Regeneration Charm will be unlocked. Both will certainly be very useful during your adventure, as they allow you to have bonuses on health regeneration, obtaining damage, and the number of hearts available.

But where are the Lego Fortnite cursed bones? You will be able to get acquainted with this particular type of resource only when you arrive in the Frostlands biome. You can find them by inspecting the various chests found in the area, but the best way to obtain them is to fight and kill the cursed wolves, which are a variant of normal wolves. These enemies are found inside the caves, so we recommend that you bring items with you that will help you resist the cold better.

Since a single bite from these enemies can take away almost all of your life, it is absolutely not the way to enter this fight without having suitable equipment at your disposal. Consequently, our main advice is to create the strongest weapons you can and to use the charms you have at your disposal to get bonuses in statistics. Furthermore, you can also opt for a safer approach by making use of the crossbow and a ladder to hit enemies from a distance.

In general, our advice is to take this fight calmly and not throw yourself headlong into the enemy; otherwise, you will come out defeated. If you opt for melee combat, slowly approach them and land just a couple of hits before moving away. Repeat this strategy a couple of times and you will be able to defeat the enemies without too many problems. Your patience will certainly be rewarded because obtaining the Lego Fortnite cursed bones is essential to gaining possession of more powerful items.

Lego Fortnite cursed bones

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