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Doors Ambush Entity Guide – Droid Gamers


Sep 8, 2024

Feature image for our Doors Ambush guide. It shows a painting of a long hallway with a figure peering at the viewer.

Getting a sense of deja vu as the monster you thought just went past seems to be coming back for another try? You might have just met Ambush. This looping horror is one of the bigger threats of Doors, but don’t fret, there are ways to deal. Our Doors Ambush entity guide details how to best handle an attack, and hopefully come out the otherwise unharmed.

Doors is free to play now on Roblox. If you want to read about Ambush’s less persistent cousin, try out Doors Rush entity guide.

Doors Ambush Entity Guide

Right, let’s get into it before it comes back.

About Ambush

If you’ve run into Rush, then we have unfortunate news for you. Ambush is a lot like Rush… but worse! Ambush gives off a green light and makes a different noise to Rush. Like Rush, it speeds through the corridors at speed, wiping out anyone who happens to be standing in the way. Unlike Rush, you’re not save if you know Ambush has passed by. Ambush will turn around and come back, sometimes multiple times until despawning.

How To Deal With Ambush

Having a monster even worse than Rush is daunting, but there are ways to make things a little easier.

  • Look for the tells. If you see the lights flicker, hide. If it passes and you catch a green glow, that’s Ambush.
  • Ration you hiding place use. You need to play very carefully with Ambush, especially in later rooms of a run. The entity will return repeatedly, but if you spend too long in a cupboard, locker, or under a bed, Hide will throw you out. This means that you may need to step outside of your hiding spot while Ambush is active. Use the sound and visual cues to try and work out when Ambush is far away to step out, and step back in when it gets close.
  • Consider improvised hiding spots. Like Rush, Ambush only takes out players it can ‘see’. This means you can stay safe by hiding in spots that obscure your player model. This means spots like in basements, behind closets, and behind luggage carts (whether full or empty, those still work). These have the advantage that Hide won’t throw you out, so you can stay until Ambush despawns without any problems.

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