It’s always watching, but what does it want? In this Dig It Watchful Moon Event Guide, I explore the new event detailing what it does when it occurs and how to utilize it to improve your gameplay!
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Dig It Watchful Moon Event Guide
The Watchful Moon Event appeared overnight (sorry, bad joke…) alongside the limited Valentine Event Update. Despite its unnerving name, the Watchful Moon Event grants a server-wide luck boost to all players for its duration. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the luck boost percentage it applies and how long the event lasts isn’t known… Though chances are, the event lasts a night cycle given its name, however, this has no confirmation yet.
Overall it’s a good thing when this Event happens as it allows even the early-game players a chance at digging up high-rarity loot utilizing the boost. And, despite its introduction during a limited event, the Watchful Moon event won’t vanish after Valentine’s Day. So, from early to late-game, it’ll always be helpful. Unlike other Events, it’s not purchasable for Robux when visiting the Gandolf NPC at Nookville. However, this may change in the future since it is an Event after all and not a limited one as far as players are aware.
You’ll know when the Watchful Moon Event occurs as the in-game chatroom will notify players, and the moon takes on a striking new appearance with creepy eyes and a smile. Think the Samsung moon emoji… Alongside the visual difference, the server has a ‘Current Event’ tracker in the bottom left of the game screen for players to immediately know where and when to be.