Although these creatures are extinct in real life, you can still get them virtually! This guide explains how you can get the Dig It Mammoth for yourself.
Start playing Dig It on Roblox. To find out about the other mythicals you can find, we have a Dig It Mythical Guide. Or, familiarise yourself with the different Dig It Events you can experience.
Dig It Mammoth Guide
First I’ll tell you what the Mammoth is, and then how you can get it for yourself.
What Is The Mammoth?
Unless you’ve been living in the Ice Age (ha… pun), you’ll know what a Mammoth is. They are extremely large creatures found in cold climates, which is the same for the ones in Dig It!
Mammoths are a mythical item you can dig up, and they contribute to completing the Permafrost Collection.
How To Get A Mammoth
The only way for you to dig up a Mammoth is during the Woolly Mammoth Event. This is a server-wide event, and it has a 15% chance of happening at random. You can see if there is an event active in your server by looking at the bottom left-hand side of your screen.
Once the Woolly Mammoth Event occurs, head to the Permafrost island, which you can get to by boat. Walk into the cave in the center, and you will see the Mammoth covered in ice. Grab your shovel and start digging. Only one person will get the Mammoth, so it’s a race against other players as you try to dig it for yourself.
It’s best to use a shovel that has high luck to increase your chances of getting it. A good option is the Glass Shovel, as it has 40% luck. You can buy this once at level 26+ for 30k Coins in the Badlands. For a cheaper option, the Toy Shovel is a good choice! It has 30% luck, and you only need to be level 5+. You can buy it for 1.5k coins from Nookville.