Pokémon TCG’s next big release, Destined Rivals, is almost here, and I’m already prepping my shelf space and emotionally budgeting like I won’t blow it all on an Elite Trainer Box I absolutely do not need. This set brings back Trainer’s Pokémon, reintroduces Team Rocket for another round of villainous fun, and includes some of the best card art we’ve seen in ages. If you’re into flashy collectibles or just enjoy the feeling of cardboard power coursing through your veins, this one’s for you.The Pokémon Center website has already gone through some mysterious “maintenance” and has since put up preorders. If that route doesn’t pan out (shockingly), expect listings to go live any moment now at Amazon, Target, Best Buy, and more. That means refreshing like it’s Black Friday for battle decks. Here’s everything you need to know to lock in your preorder this week.Pokémon TCG: Destined Rivals US PreordersDestined Rivals UK PreordersWhen Does Destined Rivals Officially Launch?The full release is scheduled for May 30, 2025. That’s when all the sealed products will ship and hit shelves, assuming there’s any left, though The Pokemon Company has been seemingly tackling ongoing stock shortages. Between May 17 and 25, select stores will host pre-release events featuring Build & Battle boxes and early access tournaments. You should check with your local league store now if you want in. And by “check,” I mean probably bribe them with snacks.What Products Will Be Launching With This Set?I want to say I’ll just buy one item and be done. I also want to say I’ll go to the gym three times a week. We’re all lying to ourselves, and that’s fine.Here’s what will be available when Destined Rivals launches:Booster PacksBooster Boxes (36 packs)Elite Trainer BoxPokémon Center Exclusive Elite Trainer BoxBooster Bundle (6 packs)Triple-pack blistersBuild & Battle BoxBuild & Battle StadiumIt’s also likely we’ll see special collection boxes with alternate art promos, especially featuring characters like Cynthia, Misty, Ethan, or Marnie. You don’t need them, but you will absolutely convince yourself you do.Cards That Should Be In Destined RivalsHere’s the full expected card list by Japanese set origin.Heat Wave ArenaEthan’s Ho-Oh exCynthia’s Garchomp exCynthia’s RoseradeMisty’s Psyduck, Staryu, Starmie, Magikarp, Gyarados, LaprasEthan’s Cyndaquil, Quilava, TyphlosionEthan’s Slugma, MagcargoHydrapple lineYanmega exZeraora, Electivire ex, Rotom, ManectricSteven’s Metang (alt print)Arven’s Mabostiff exMarnie’s Impidimp (alt print)Applin, DipplinOgerpon (Teal Mask, Hearthflame Mask, Wellspring Mask, Cornerstone Mask variants)Cynthia’s Milotic, FeebasBuizel, Floatzel, Dondozo exDwebble, CrustleShayminPonyta, RapidashArven’s Toedscool, ToedscruelArven’s Maschiff, Skwovet, GreedentMudbray, MudsdaleElectabuzzEthan’s Pinsir, Ethan’s PichuTrainer Cards: Judge, Ethan’s Adventure, Cynthia’s Power Weight, Sacred Ash, MC’s Hype Up, Spikemuth GymThe Glory of Team RocketTeam Rocket’s Mewtwo exTeam Rocket’s SpidopsTeam Rocket’s Meowth, Persian exTeam Rocket’s Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-ZTeam Rocket’s TarountulaTrainer Cards: Team Rocket’s Giovanni, Archer, Ariana, ReceiverSpecial Energy: Team Rocket EnergySteven’s Starter DeckSteven’s Metagross exSteven’s Skarmory, Beldum, MetangSteven’s CarbinkSteven’s Claydol, BaltoyTrainer Card: Granite CaveMarnie’s Starter DeckMarnie’s Grimmsnarl exMarnie’s Impidimp, Morgrem, Liepard, ScraftyMarnie’s Purrloin, ScraggyTrainer Cards: Energy Recycler (reprint), Spikemuth GymDestined Origins Cards I’ve Got My Eye OnThere’s a good chance I’ll end up with multiple binders full of these, but a few cards have already secured a permanent place in my mental wishlist.Cynthia’s Garchomp ex is a power move in every sense. Big damage, hand draw, and the smug energy of someone who always gets her turn one setup. This is peak Champion energy and I want three.Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex is what happens when utility and sparkle collide. The ability accelerates Fire Energy like it’s no big deal, and Shining Feather heals your whole team while smacking for 160. It’s absurd, and I’m obsessed.Team Rocket’s Mewtwo ex is pure drama. It refuses to attack unless you’ve built an entire Rocket-themed deck around it, but when it does, it throws energy around like a caffeinated Gengar. It’s also incredibly extra, which I respect.Misty’s Psyduck is here to make you laugh and then probably lose a game in the most lovable way possible. It has an ability that lets you discard it to the top of your deck, for… reasons. I don’t care. It’s perfect.Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex brings the villain vibes with an aggressive Dark-type build that thrives on energy acceleration and being just annoying enough to work. It’s a disruption deck’s dream, and I plan to run it like it’s 2020 all over again.Christian Wait is a contributing freelancer for IGN covering everything collectable and deals. Christian has over 7 years of experience in the Gaming and Tech industry with bylines at Mashable and Pocket-Tactics. Christian also makes hand-painted collectibles for Saber Miniatures. Christian is also the author of “Pokemon Ultimate Unofficial Gaming Guide by GamesWarrior”. Find Christian on X @ChrisReggieWait.
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Destined Rivals Preorder Guide – Release Date, Where to Buy, and What’s Included