While our Dead Rails Best Class guide is solely based on opinion, we have our reasons! Find out which class we think is best and which we picked for our runner-up.
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Dead Rails Best Class
What is the best class in Dead Rails?
Best Class: Cowboy
In my personal opinion, I think the Cowboy class is the best to pick in Dead Rails. This is because of how balanced it is when starting a round! While it costs 50 Bonds to purchase, it’s a very beginner-friendly class for those who are still new to the game or aren’t familiar with the later and more difficult portions of Dead Rails.
As a Cowboy, you start the round with a weapon straight off the bat. What’s even better is that you also have spare Revolver Ammo in your inventory, so you don’t have to worry about running out any time soon!
As well as being equipped for combat, you also immediately obtain a horse that has already been tamed, as well as a Saddle. If you don’t know, the Saddle item is what you use to tame a horse you find in the wild! In Dead Rails, having a weapon and a horse is a surefire way of making the game that little bit easier for you.
Cowboys don’t have to go out of their way to find their first weapon or a horse, as they already have them! Still, there are runner-ups that I’d like to mention.
Runner-up: Doctor
The Doctor class is my second choice! This is the only class that focuses solely on keeping everyone on the team alive. It only costs 15 Bonds to purchase, making it a great starter class. They begin each round with Snake Oil and Bandages, and they can even revive fallen team members.