• Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Cities of Sigmar Army Box Set Value


Sep 7, 2023

Cities of Sigmar Army Box Set is here, so it’s a perfect time to take a look at the value.

Release for purchase in early September, the Cities of Sigmar Army Box Set is available, and it comes packed with all the goodies for fans looking to start a new army or bulk out their own. Maybe you’ve even got your eye on it to prepare you for the upcoming Warhammer The Old World.

A new box is always an exciting time for Warhammer Fans, though not so much for the wallets. With a new Battletome and a box full of new minis, what can we expect from the Cities of Sigmar Army Box Set? The main thing for a lot of people will be the early access to the 52 new minis and the Battletome plus cards. For the rest, it’s a great addition to any current Cities of Sigmar army.

Cities of Sigmar Army Box Set – What’s in the box

As you can see, it’s a big-old-box of stuff. With 52 actual minnies, the box is also packed with other Cities of Sigmar things to get you started. Being a launch box, it also contains exclusive items such as a special edition Battletom, plus access to exclusive cards (which will likely be sold later)

  • 1 Freeguild Marshal
  • 1 Relic Envoy
  • 1 Alchemite Warforger
  • 5 Freeguild Cavaliers
  • 20 Freeguild Steelhelms
  • 4 Cities of Sigmar Transfer Sheets, each containing 410 Transfers
  • Battletome: Cities of Sigmar special launch edition
  • Warscroll Cards: Cities of Sigmar. Special 52 exclusive cards
  • Enhancement Cards: Cities of Sigmar
  • Cities of Sigmar Token Sheets

Cities of Sigmar Army Box Set in the box

Cities of Sigmar Army Box Set – Box Price

So, with that out the way, what is all of this worth when it gets sold separately? It’s worth noting that none of these can be purchased at the time of writing. Prices are based on UK prices and converted to USD.

  • 1 Freeguild Marshal and 1 Relic Envoy – $45
  • 1 Alchemite Warforger $30
  • 5 Freeguild Cavaliers $70
  • 20 Freeguild Steelhelms (likely to come in 10 at a time) $60 per 10 ($120 here)
  • Battletome: Cities of Sigmar special launch edition and cards – $60

Total – $315

Which is roughly a saving of around $115 from the contents of the box. It is worth noting that the transfer sheets, etc. are not counted in the value, along with the token sheets, etc.

Cities of Sigmar Army Box Set – Is it worth the cost

We’re looking at a solid value here once again. While we’ve seen better value recently, this is still a solid pickup. What we like is that we’re getting a box of new models, and a box that’s pretty easy to turn into a Warhammer Old World army via proxy very easily. For those who already play Cities of Sigmar, this is a great pickup, and for those who don’t, this offers a solid start to your army. It’s also just a nice little box of “human” soldiers if that’s your vibe and you want more of that classic fantasy feel in AoS.

Cities of Sigmar Army Box Set – When will it be sold separately

As always, the big question, and why Games Workshop obviously like to keep it close to its chest. We’ve seen at best, it takes around a month, while the recent Warhammer 40k 10th Edition is only now starting to roll out two months after it launched. But, we suspect this will only be a month or so, especially for items like the battletome and Freeghuild Steelhelms.

Keep an eye out on the Warhammer Community site every Saturday to get the details early, but we don’t think it’ll be too long to go.


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