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Catalyst Black Beginners Guide – Hints, Tips and Tricks to get you Started


May 26, 2022

Catalyst Black has just launched on the App Store and Google Play Store. It’s a tight, fast-paced team-based shooter with more than a sprinkling of juicy MOBA DNA. It’s a lot of fun, but when you’re getting started it can feel pretty overwhelming.

Which is why we decided it was a good idea to write up this guide for players who’ve just picked up the game. Which, let’s be honest, is going to be most of you. These strategies are designed to give you a leg-up, and to make sure you know what you’re actually supposed to be doing.

Even if you’re pretty sorted with the core ideas of the game, we reckon there’s going to be something here that’ll take your skills to the next level. So let’s get on with it – here are the best hints, tips and tricks for beginners in Catalyst Black.

Stick with your team

It’s important not to go lone wolf, at least for the most part. Stick with your team and use your abilities to support and strengthen each other. You’re much more likely to defeat enemies if you’re working together. Feel free to run off when you go Primal, but don’t go too far – there are items that will buff players if they’re close to an ally Primal.

Don’t forget to dodge

This is probably one of the easiest things to forget, but dodging can get you out of really tricky situations. If you’re getting ganked, if you’re on the verge of death – basically any time you need to make a quick getaway – the dodge can come in super handy. Remember it’s there and remember to use it.

Collect your rewards

There are always rewards waiting for you after a scrap, whether it’s in the form of completed quests, levelling up goodies or just random stuff the game throws at you. Make sure you grab them all – the more you’ve got, the more powerful you can get. The more powerful you are, the better you’re going to do.

Keep upgrading

You should always be upgrading your gear and skills. Check the new weapons and kit you unlock as well to see if any of it’s going to help you out more than what you’ve already got equipped. As well as upgrading it’s important to learn what your equipment actually does and how you can use it to the best of its capabilities.

Pick a role

As you get deeper into the game you’ll start to notice various synergies between your weapons, your gear and your choice of Primal. You’ll want to tailor these to suit your playstyle. Do you want to support? Snipe from long range? Get up close and personal with your enemies? Choose a role and make sure everything you add is complementing that role.

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